Monday, December 13, 2021

New Republic Editor: ‘The GOP is the Enemy of Democracy, Full Stop’

New Republic Editor: ‘The GOP is the Enemy of Democracy, Full Stop’
Joseph Gunderson - December 13, 2021 at 09:47AM

There’s no other way to really say this: the left lives in a shared delusion, one in which everything is somehow in line with their radical ideology. It’s the only way someone can write what Jason Linkins did over at The New Republic.

The Washington Post recently published a piece attempting to argue that the media treats Biden as badly or worse than they did Trump and attempts to peddle stats to prove it. A ridiculous graph shows a drop in positive coverage in August, and the leftist media points and screams about unfair treatment.

Never mind the fact that August was the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 U.S. service members dead, thousands more stranded, billions of dollars in the hands of a terrorist regime, and allowed the Taliban to retake control of the entire country. So, it wasn’t bad press… It was probably accurate press detailing Biden’s absolute and undeniable incompetence.

But after such compelling journalisming, the White House began meeting with media companies to improve the coverage.

In the Washington Post piece, Milbank proposes that the media be partisan, protecting Biden so as to protect democracy from the would-be predations of a possible Trump resurgence because just as Fauci is "the science" Biden is "democracy." He writes that the media had been too even-handed with the parties and possibly even more favorable to the GOP, or as he calls them, “the authoritarians.”

In response, Ryan Lizza with Politico tweeted: “No respectable model of salvaging democratic norms would include badgering journalists to write only positive stories about the most powerful person in the world.”

And Linkins agreed. “Blind fealty to heads of state is the hallmark of dictatorships, not democracies.” And then he didn’t.

The GOP is the enemy of democracy, full stop. It’s not Democrats who are waging a well-funded war to suppress the vote, reviving Jim Crow–era electoral tactics, installing apparatchiks and gaming the rules to subvert voter intentions, chasing dedicated election officials out of their posts with threats and intimidation, or fomenting political violence.

Anyone who has been paying attention can’t help but stare at such a moronic, ignorant statement and wonder what world this imbecile is living in. Waging a war to suppress the vote? Has this idiot read a single one of the voting protection laws recently passed? That’s obviously a rhetorical question; we know the answer is no. Using threats and intimidation and fomenting political violence? The GOP?

Last I checked, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are allowed to riot, loot, and threaten juries without any pushback from anyone in authority. And last I checked, these groups also hate the GOP, so…. There’s that…

This is the issue though. As Milbank said at The Washington Post, the media has been favorable to the authoritarians, but he misidentified who the authoritarians actually are. The left doesn’t see Biden’s power-grabs and Fauci’s disregard for freedom as authoritarian only because they like these people—they push the preferred politics.

And Linkins is just more of the same. The media could do no better job removing their objective mask than just coming out and saying it. Everyone right of center knows it, and everyone left of center doesn’t care.

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