Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Watch: Nancy Pelosi Claims She Has No Idea Why There's So Much 'Lawlessness' in Liberal Cities

Watch: Nancy Pelosi Claims She Has No Idea Why There's So Much 'Lawlessness' in Liberal Cities
Brodigan - December 15, 2021 at 12:23PM

Someone finally grew a set and asked Nancy Pelosi about all the crime happening in liberal cities lately. A lot of it comes from Pelosi's home state of California and her home city of San Francisco, in particular, where thieves just casually steal knowing there isn't a damn thing business owners can do about it. They know there isn't a damn thing liberal politicians like Nancy Pelosi will do about it.

Here's Pelosi's answer to the question, followed by my dramatic interpretation.

PELOSI: It's all a mystery why there is so much lawlessness in liberal cities that elect liberal politicians who enact liberal policies?

REPORTER: A lot of it is from San Francisco.

PELOSI: I know, right? That's why I'm moving to Florida.

REPORTER: Well, those same liberals, like yourself and others in your political party, campaigned on defunding the police and no longer enforcing crime. Maybe that has something to do with it?

PELOSI: Fuck you.

What's been fascinating about the rise in crime isn't what's happening in the liberal cities. Those people deserve what they vote for. It's what's happening out in the suburbs, aka real America. Voters DON'T want those policies and are voting for DAs who will make sure those laws aren't passed. I can't speak for all suburbs, but the DA race by me is what drove turnout last year. Instead of the top of the ticket pulling everyone else up, so many people voted for our conservative DA they wound up taking out our liberal county executive, as well.

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