Thursday, December 16, 2021

Watch: Joe Biden's Judicial Nominee Claims the US Senate and Electoral College Are ‘Anti-Democratic’

Watch: Joe Biden's Judicial Nominee Claims the US Senate and Electoral College Are ‘Anti-Democratic’
Joseph Gunderson - December 16, 2021 at 09:35AM

Former Vice President Joe Biden really knows how to pick ‘em. Either he is the most inept politician to ever walk the face of the earth, or he’s actively attempting to destroy the country. Really, your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps he is inept, and the people working behind the scenes want to destroy the country. I think I’ve cracked the code!

Video has recently resurfaced of a talk given by one of Biden’s nominees for appointment to the Southern District Court of New York. Dale Ho, a former lawyer for the ACLU, says in the video that the senate and electoral college are “anti-democratic.”

“We had obviously lots of practices that are anti-democratic that entrench, in some ways, minority rule in this country, and I’m talking about things like, you know, the senate, the electoral college.”

How is it one manages to be looked at for an appointment to a federal district court and doesn’t have even a basic understanding of the American system of government? I would really like to know how these people managed to pass high school, let alone college and the bar.

I’d hate to be a pedant, but the very purpose of the senate and electoral college was to ensure the country couldn’t fall under mob rule, which is exactly what outright democracy would become. This dolt should really go check out the federalist papers, where this is outlined perfectly.

Truthfully, such ignorance should immediately disqualify such a person from ever serving on the bench. I’d look at disbarring such a woefully idiotic oxygen thief. But I don’t make the rules, sadly.

This isn’t the first time Biden has nominated a dumpster fire. Biden’s former nominee to head up the ATF was an anti-second amendment wackadoodle. And the former nominee to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency wanted to bankrupt the oil and gas industry to usher in the green revolution. And let’s not forget that his own VP pick has been the worst. Everyone hates Kamala Harris.

Hopefully, Ho will never feel the warm embrace of those judge robes.

from Steven Crowder Says