Sunday, December 26, 2021

Watch: Crazy Lady Assaults Elderly Man Mid-flight, Screaming 'Put Your F***ing Mask On'

Watch: Crazy Lady Assaults Elderly Man Mid-flight, Screaming 'Put Your F***ing Mask On'
Brodigan - December 26, 2021 at 10:10AM

Your government calling for more mask mandates has led to an exciting new round of crazy people lashing out at others for not being masked up properly. When store clerks and flight attendants aren't dropping what they're doing fast enough any time a mask falls under a nose, it's up to the Jane Q. Biyatch's of the world to leap into action. You will NOT tell them to calm down when someone is not wearing a mask, as this elderly man found out in the middle of a flight to Atlanta.

You know the viral video disclaimer to allow for missing context and that junk. The video starts when "Karen" is already in the middle of her meltdown.

Delta told the Daily Mail, ''Flight 2790 from Tampa to Atlanta was met by law enforcement after an unruly customer disturbance during flight." It's reported that a dozen police officers met Karen when the plane landed. Thank Joe Biden's executive orders on unruly passengers for that one!

The true comedy in this video isn't the reaction of the old man calling her Karen, or worse--although, well deserved--how he kept throwing barbs at her while security led her away. It's not even the old man having his mask down because he was eating or drinking. The comedy comes from Karen who, in the middle of her crazy lady meltdown, did not realize that she was not wearing her mask, either. Yay science!

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