Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Report: Joe Biden Plans to Enact Insane Restrictions on Travelers Entering America, INCLUDING Americans

Report: Joe Biden Plans to Enact Insane Restrictions on Travelers Entering America, INCLUDING Americans
Brodigan - December 01, 2021 at 08:02AM

There are two things you need to know. The first is that the doctor who discovered the omicron variant says it's not that bad. The second is that the White House believes, and I quote, "controlling COVID-19 will rejuvenate Biden’s own standing." Those are both important factoids to keep in the back of your mind as Joe Biden plans to enact travel restrictions on EVERYONE*** entering the country. Our puddingheaded president, or at least the people who control him, want to party like it's fifteen days to flatten the curve again.

***I'm sure there are still exceptions if you enter the country illegally

The Washington Post is reporting, in preparation for Joe Biden's winter 'rona protocols, there will be strict testing requirements if you are entering the United States. Yes, that includes OTHER Americans.

You'll need to submit a negative test before entering the country, REGARDLESS of your vaccination status. Though, if you got your Fauci Ouchie, you're rewarded by having seventy-two hours to do so as opposed to only twenty-four.

Also, the White House is said to be "weighing" a measure that requires all travelers--again, INCLUDING American citizens--to self-quarantine for seven days. Yes, even if you have a negative test. Yes, even if you're vaccinated.

Unclear at this time is if these are actual plans or just trial balloons being floated. The Biden Administration is said to consider batsh!t crazy ideas on the regular. Like limiting interstate travel and seeing how much strong-arming of the federal government Americans will put up with.

Biden is expecting to announce--I don't know, something--on Thursday. We'll find out what he's saying as soon as Joe Biden finds out what he's saying.

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