Brodigan - May 31, 2021 at 08:11AM

Scroll through Instagram today and you're bound to see generic Memorial Day posts from celebrities. They grab the first photo that comes up in Google search, write a generic message about never forgetting something or the other, and call it a day. Some of them may have even written the generic message themselves! Then you have people like Chris Pratt who actually cares about the holiday and the importance of making sure people KNOW what the holiday means. He shared this post from another favorite of ours, former UFC star Tim Kennedy.
We count the names of each fallen solider lest they be countless. They are the good guys. They run to the sound of gunfire. They know pain and suffering we never will. They have given us the most free and decent society planet earth has ever seen. We run the risk of losing that decency when we fail to instill gratitude in the minds of our youth or the perspective of what it actually means to be free- should they never learn of the selfless sacrifice of our armed service members in the face of oppressive evil.
Not quite the same as your typical A-lister who needs a PR firm to remind them to say something nice about America. Pratt not only shares respect for our fallen heroes but also a concern for our country if we don't effectively teach what their sacrifice actually means. It's almost as if he's been paying attention. His colleagues just read the talking points sent out by the DNC.
You can imagine what some of the comments are. They're the same comments anytime Pratt says something to the right of Karl Marx. This is the same guy who caused a national outrage by praying for director Kevin Smith. Chris knew what the response from some losers was going to be, so he had a message for them too.
And if you use the comments section on posts like this to bitch and moan about America please understand there are countries in the world where criticizing your government will get you killed or imprisoned. Criticism is a right and necessity in amending the flawed systems of man. So by all means, let your voice be heard. But never forget your right to free expression is paid for in blood.
Amen, brother.
I won't say we need more celebrities like Chris Pratt. I'm sure there are more than a few who agree with him and disagree with the viewpoint commonly associated with their Hollywood peers. It would be nice if more of them had the courage to be Chris Pratt out loud.
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