Monday, May 31, 2021

Chris Pratt Blasts Anti-American Losers in Patriotic Memorial Day Message

Chris Pratt Blasts Anti-American Losers in Patriotic Memorial Day Message
Brodigan - May 31, 2021 at 08:11AM

Scroll through Instagram today and you're bound to see generic Memorial Day posts from celebrities. They grab the first photo that comes up in Google search, write a generic message about never forgetting something or the other, and call it a day. Some of them may have even written the generic message themselves! Then you have people like Chris Pratt who actually cares about the holiday and the importance of making sure people KNOW what the holiday means. He shared this post from another favorite of ours, former UFC star Tim Kennedy.

We count the names of each fallen solider lest they be countless. They are the good guys. They run to the sound of gunfire. They know pain and suffering we never will. They have given us the most free and decent society planet earth has ever seen. We run the risk of losing that decency when we fail to instill gratitude in the minds of our youth or the perspective of what it actually means to be free- should they never learn of the selfless sacrifice of our armed service members in the face of oppressive evil.

Not quite the same as your typical A-lister who needs a PR firm to remind them to say something nice about America. Pratt not only shares respect for our fallen heroes but also a concern for our country if we don't effectively teach what their sacrifice actually means. It's almost as if he's been paying attention. His colleagues just read the talking points sent out by the DNC.

You can imagine what some of the comments are. They're the same comments anytime Pratt says something to the right of Karl Marx. This is the same guy who caused a national outrage by praying for director Kevin Smith. Chris knew what the response from some losers was going to be, so he had a message for them too.

And if you use the comments section on posts like this to bitch and moan about America please understand there are countries in the world where criticizing your government will get you killed or imprisoned. Criticism is a right and necessity in amending the flawed systems of man. So by all means, let your voice be heard. But never forget your right to free expression is paid for in blood.

Amen, brother.

I won't say we need more celebrities like Chris Pratt. I'm sure there are more than a few who agree with him and disagree with the viewpoint commonly associated with their Hollywood peers. It would be nice if more of them had the courage to be Chris Pratt out loud.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Says Its Time to Fight Back Against Woke Marxism in Our Military and Explains How

Dan Crenshaw Says Its Time to Fight Back Against Woke Marxism in Our Military and Explains How
Brodigan - May 30, 2021 at 09:18AM

The woke progressive extremists who control Joe Biden have made clear their intentions to install Marxism in every American institution. It's been going on in our public schools for a while. Lately, the military has been a leftist target. Because when trying to build an effective military, appealing to people who hate the military is the way to go! Rep. Dan Crenshaw says it's time to take action against the left. He and Senator Tom Cotton have set up a whistleblower hotline so active military are protected should they chose to speak out.

The military is supposed to create WARRIORS. Not social justice warriors. Not a woke progressive agenda. We're done complaining about it though. We're going to do something about it. We're going to expose this.

We just created a whistleblower page. You are legally protected, active duty members, when you fill out this form. Fill it out. Tell us your story. We are going to -- with your permission -- post this stuff of social media We're going to expose this for the whole country and we're going to fight back.

The website is As for what becomes of this ... I guess we'll wait and see?

The rub is that while a lot of our conservative "leaders" tweet good game, attempting to actually do something isn't a priority. This point can't be driven home enough. Last year when Republicans were yelling at Facebook and Twitter, they had control of the senate and the White House. Nothing was done about Big Tech censorship other than clickbait and fundraising letters.

So let's say this works. The whistleblower hotline blows up with people exposing how the left is trying to exploit their agenda without anyone noticing. What happens then? Other than being told if we want to do something about it, we need to elect Republicans and take back the House and Senate. We've seen this movie. It's like watching Police Academy 6 on a neverending loop.

This isn't a knock on Crenshaw. He gets a modicum of a pass because he hasn't been in power yet and therefore hasn't had the time to disappoint us much. Though once the GOP regains the House, he's on the clock. As far as the whistleblower hotline goes, again, I guess we'll wait and see.

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Angry Joe Biden Confuses Declaration of Independence Again, Forgets What's After 'Life and Liberty'

Angry Joe Biden Confuses Declaration of Independence Again, Forgets What's After 'Life and Liberty'
Brodigan - May 30, 2021 at 07:53AM

The most popular part of our Declaration of Independence is the bars about inalienable rights and self-evident truths. It's the first sentence of the second paragraph. It's all of 35 words. School children are able to memorize it for book reports. Our president Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, gets confused by one of our most important founding documents. He gets confused about where he is, who the lady is that keeps measuring the curtains in the Oval Office, and who dropped a dookie in his pants too. What we expect from Biden is judged on a "senile old coot" scale. But having to remember famous quotes is public speaking 101.

Biden was attempting a speech in Norfolk on Friday. I'm not quite sure why he's angry here. It might be because the little girl in the front row wasn't flirting back at him.

from Steven Crowder Says

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Comedian Wrecks John Cena Begging China for Forgiveness with Brutal Apology He SHOULD Have Given

Comedian Wrecks John Cena Begging China for Forgiveness with Brutal Apology He SHOULD Have Given
Brodigan - May 29, 2021 at 09:15AM

The popular wrestling catchphrase "John Cena sucks" was never more true than it was this week. Americans woke up to the wrestler-turned-actor begging the Chinese for forgiveness. His offending act? Saying Taiwan is a country. You may say to yourself, "But Brodigan, Taiwan IS a country." Congratulations! YOU can no longer star in a big-budget Hollywood blockbuster.

Unfortunately, selling an apology in a foreign language is more difficult than selling for Roman Reigns. Things get lost in translation. Trans-political comedian JP Sears helps the process along with the apology the former "Dr. of Thugganomics" SHOULD have given.

Cena hasn't taken a hit this badly since Chicago 2011 against CM Punk.

I couldn't be more sorry, have smaller testicles, or have less bravery. I also fully support the CCP's efforts to completely strip their citizen's freedoms from them. I'm excited for the US government to do the same to its citizens.

He's not wrong. If there is one thing the Communist Chinese and Hollywood agree on it's silencing any and all political dissent. One might say Hollywood's relationship with the Communist Chinese is similar to that popular drug commercial from the 80s. "I LEARNED IT FROM YOU, ALRIGHT? I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU."

Don't worry, C-Nation. "Cena" had a few words for you. The fans who theoretically want to see the wrestler turned actor turned cuck in a movie about cars raping the laws of physics. Yes, John Cena's fans are called the "C-Nation." Best not to think about it.

I also apologize to all the kids who look up to me because, for a moment, I was accidentally not a complete coward. I'm sorry for my momentary lapse of judgment. Taiwan is not a country. All hail communism. I am currently happily bent over with my soulless butt cheeks spread for anything the genocidal CCP wants me to say.

John Cena is set to return to the WWE in the summer which, unlike the CCP and Hollywood, is less scripted and more based in reality. Though there is still a dictator whose buttocks Cena is expected to pucker up for. At least Vince McMahon doesn't demand hostage videos. He makes you kiss his ass -- literally with your mouth --- in the middle of the ring like a man.

Cena is famous for the catchphrase "you can't see me." No, we can all see you. I see you. JP Sears sees you. America sees you. We just all wish we didn't.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Reset the 'Days Since' Counter: Joe Biden Makes Creepy Comments to Little Girl

Reset the 'Days Since' Counter: Joe Biden Makes Creepy Comments to Little Girl
Brodigan - May 29, 2021 at 07:36AM

Be honest. You're surprised Joe Biden made it this long without publically hitting on a kid. Biden's handlers can only handle so much before he goes off-script. Here's the most popular president ever at a Virginia speech. After saying nice things about blackface aficionado Gov. Ralph Northam - a man he implied was racist when it was politically expedient to do so - Biden spotted his prey sitting next to her mommy in the audience.

Someone get To Catch a Predator's Chris Hansen on the line because grandpa is at it again.

I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I'll tell you what, look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.

Really, the look on the face of the sign language interpreter says it all.

Does he not hear the words coming out of his mouth? You know he's been talked to about it. They forced him to issue a non-apology "apology" during the Democrat primary. But that was the bygone era of 2019 when other Democrats briefly decided Biden being a lecherous old coot was a bad thing. Again, Democrats are all about pretending to be moral for political expediency. Prior to that and since then, "meh." That's Joe being Joe. Flirting with children and bad-touching women is just his charm.

If there is one saving grace it's that Biden was on stage and not within arms reach of the little girl. Upon seeing the barrettes in her hair, he would have gone in for a sniff. The media would all be totes cool with it as long as he bought ice cream after.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, May 28, 2021

China Strikes Again, This Time Censoring the 'Friends' Reunion

China Strikes Again, This Time Censoring the 'Friends' Reunion
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 01:02PM

Know that if you are among those overly excited for the Friends reunion, I am judging you. More so than I've ever judged the woke zoomers whining how "problematic" the show is when they accidentally see a rerun. But we're not here to talk about the actors reuniting. Or, how Matthew Perry "allegedly' irished up his coffee from Central Perk. Because while the more basic among you were organizing watch parties, the Communist Chinese Government was taking a break from Chinese water torturing poor John Cena long enough to censor what was allowed on Chinese television.

From Outkick:

Knowing the widespread interest in the sitcom's reunion special that dropped Thursday, Communist China stepped in to censor and cut the episode before its citizens could view it. Among the cuts were appearances by K-pop supergroup BTS, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga, and any cameos from LGBTQ Friends fans.

Here's a little about the -- *sigh* -- popular TV reunion.

from Steven Crowder Says

Top 5 Tweets Marking the 5th Anniversary of Harambe's Assassination

Top 5 Tweets Marking the 5th Anniversary of Harambe's Assassination
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 12:01PM

Five years ago today, Harambe the Gorilla was taken from us.

Actually, taken from us sounds like animal rights activists kidnapped him to "set him free." Harambe was assassinated. The official story from the corporate media is that the gorilla was killed to save a little boy who fell into the gorilla pit. But the people who believe that are likely the same people who believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Even though we all know Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. Could there be more to the story? Perhaps. As I write this right now, I can hear the thundering sounds of the Blue Angels flying overhead, celebrating Harambe's life as the most patriotic thing to be happening this weekend.

Independent investigations into what REALLY killed Harambe are still ongoing. There are theories.

There is also the question of what Harambe was trying to tell that brave little boy. The gorilla was believed by some to know about a government agency that was experimenting on animals. One possibly even working with a foreign country to develop a new bioweapon. There's no way of confirming such a claim. However, I can't help but notice there was no proclamation from the White House or the NIH marking this tragic anniversary.

If Harambe had one fault, it's that he cared too much. His colleagues all tried to warn him, but you know Harambe. He was stubborn to a fault. Leaving his friends with nothing to do but regale schoolchildren with stories of Harambe teachings. Both to celebrate the primate, but also as a cautionary tale.

All we can do now is remember Harambe the gorilla always wanted. His good friend actor Danny Trejo reminds us of the way Harambe always wanted to be remembered. No, not with an NFT.

D*cks out for Harambe, indeed.

Godspeed, you magnificent beast. May you be enjoying an eternity of peace, tranquility, and more memes than you can shake a Winchester Model 70 at.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Gwen Stefani has Two Words for Overly Political Celebrity Virtue Signalling: Don't Speak

Gwen Stefani has Two Words for Overly Political Celebrity Virtue Signalling: Don't Speak
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 09:36AM

If you bet on Gwen Stefani being so level-headed when it comes to political and social issues, come collect your winnings. You probably caught Gamestop on the way up too. Not that I thought of Gwen being political before this. I honestly don't think of her much other than always enjoying when "Running" comes up on Spotify. But it's so rare when a celebrity says something that doesn't make you stabby. Those moments should always be shared for posterity's sake.

Most of the news from her PaperMag interview surrounds her views on cancel culture. Her comments about a culture demanding famous people always validate their political worldview were more interesting.

The whole point of voting, is you have this personal space to feel how you feel. I use my platform to share my life story and to engage with people and to exchange whatever gift I was giving. I'm not a political science major. I am not that person. Everyone knows that. So why would I even talk about it?

Sadly, not many other celebrities have Stefani's self-awareness. It's why we get so many cringey videos where celebrities sing about communism and try to unseat a democratically elected president. Or, get conned into virtue-signaling over whatever the social issue du joir is that week. Another thing Stefani has no patience for.

I don't need to go on Instagram and say 'girl power.' I just need to live and be a good person and leave a trail of greatness behind me. Stop talking about it and stop trying to bully everybody about it. Just do it. And that's how I feel like I've lived my life.

Also, apparently, there is a segment of America who thinks she's a Republican because she's married to Blake Shelton. There's also a segment of America who thinks any celebrity not actively saying they aren't Republican is a republican by default. Draw a circle and call it a Venn DIagram. Which, a) Stefani is not a Republican, b) managed to say she's not without coming right out and saying it, and most importantly, c) meh. If you're a celebrity I assume we disagree politically as my default position. It's only an issue if you're an insufferable douche about it, or if you sound like you hate the half of the country you disagree with. Gwen doesn't fall into either of those categories.

Gwen's comments were a refreshing change of pace from the drivel we usually get from celebrities. It also makes me miss my friend's No Doubt cover band. Those were fun times.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Cop Who Made Fun of LeBron James on TikTok Got Fired, But Not for THAT Video

Cop Who Made Fun of LeBron James on TikTok Got Fired, But Not for THAT Video
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 08:31AM

Last month we introduced you to Deputy Marshal Nate Silvester. An Idaho cop who got in trouble for making fun of LeBron James, first with a warning and then with a suspension. We're now finding out that Deputy Silvester has been fired. No, not for making fun of the easily mockable LeBron. Silvester has been relieved of his duties for "continued policy violations." He was given a "last chance agreement" after "continued violations" that he apparently broke. It's not sure what video pushed him over, but I can make an educated guess.

"I can't think of a more fitting way to celebrate the memory of a career criminal than to have a shootout in the middle of a public street."

Without knowing the details of the last chance agreement, Silvester wasn't in uniform or on patrol. He was just a guy making an obvious point. Could he have been told to not make ANY TikTok videos? Sure, I guess.

Allegedly the decision to fire Deputy Silvester was NOT made by the Mayor or the city council and was made Bellevue Marshal's Office. You free to believe that if you want. Color me skeptical that his now-former brothers and sisters in blue don't agree with him. So when the Mayor says that it was the Marshal's Office decision, but it's a decision "he and the council agree with," whatever dude. The reason so many cops are speaking out on social media is because of mayors and city councils that throw them under the bus for a single political point.

Nate Silvester looks like he'll be fine. He has a book deal. He has over half a million dollars in donations. He also has a ton of free time to create pro-cop content, only without his job to worry about. I know I'll be following him.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Cop Who Made Fun of LeBron James on TikTok Got Fired, But Not for THAT Video

Cop Who Made Fun of LeBron James on TikTok Got Fired, But Not for THAT Video
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 08:31AM

Last month we introduced you to Deputy Marshal Nate Silvester. An Idaho cop who got in trouble for making fun of LeBron James, first with a warning and then with a suspension. We're now finding out that Deputy Silvester has been fired. No, not for making fun of the easily mockable LeBron. Silvester has been relieved of his duties for "continued policy violations." He was given a "last chance agreement" after "continued violations" that he apparently broke. It's not sure what video pushed him over, but I can make an educated guess.

"I can't think of a more fitting way to celebrate the memory of a career criminal than to have a shootout in the middle of a public street."

Without knowing the details of the last chance agreement, Silvester wasn't in uniform or on patrol. He was just a guy making an obvious point. Could he have been told to not make ANY TikTok videos? Sure, I guess.

Allegedly the decision to fire Deputy Silvester was NOT made by the Mayor or the city council and was made Bellevue Marshal's Office. You free to believe that if you want. Color me skeptical that his now-former brothers and sisters in blue don't agree with him. So when the Mayor says that it was the Marshal's Office decision, but it's a decision "he and the council agree with," whatever dude. The reason so many cops are speaking out on social media is because of mayors and city councils that throw them under the bus for a single political point.

Nate Silvester looks like he'll be fine. He has a book deal. He has over half a million dollars in donations. He also has a ton of free time to create pro-cop content, only without his job to worry about. I know I'll be following him.

Looking for a fashionable way to support Louder with Crowder? Get your swag at Crowdershop today!

from Steven Crowder Says

Clay Travis Advises Woman Whose Husband Refuses to Take Mask Off During Sex

Clay Travis Advises Woman Whose Husband Refuses to Take Mask Off During Sex
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 07:44AM

Clay Travis was named as one-half of Rush Limbaugh's replacements on Thursday, along with Buck Sexton. It's fitting. While El Rushbo never said so out loud, I'm sure he too was fond of boobs and the First Amendment. Travis joined Tucker Carlson and made it clear he's going to tackle the issues that truly matter to the American people. Such as what to do if your significant other is so addicted to panic porn, they won't take their mask off even during coitus.

It's in reference to a woman who wrote to Slate. Her husband insists on staying masked up during sex making. Quote: "When I have tried to present him with the science, he says, 'Scientists don't fully understand the virus yet.'" Travis dropped some sage-like advice.

from Steven Crowder Says

White Reporter Sues Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for Racial  Discrimination Against Him

White Reporter Sues Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for Racial  Discrimination Against Him
Brodigan - May 28, 2021 at 06:59AM

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is two years into her first term in office. To mark the occasion, she is discriminating against white reporters who want to ask her about it. One white reporter is taking her to court. Thomas Catenacci, a caucasian reporter working for the Daily Caller News Foundation, has been denied access to the mayor after multiple attempts. The lawsuit alleges this is "clearly blocking press freedom through racial discrimination." In other words, LAWYER UP!

The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, alleges that Lightfoot's denial violates the DCNF and Catenacci's First Amendment rights and Catenacci's right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment.

"On May 20, 2021, Plaintiff Catenacci requested, by email, a one-on-one interview with Mayor Lightfoot," the DCNF lawsuit said. "Plaintiff Catenacci sent a follow-up email on May 21, 2021. He also sent a third email on May 24, 2021. As of the date of this Complaint, Mayor Lightfoot's office has not responded to Plaintiff Catenacci's request nor has Mayor Lightfoot agreed to an interview with Plaintiff Catenacci."

The suit alleges that by "failing to respond in a timely matter," Mayor Lightfoot has effectively denied the request.

In fairness to Mayor Lightfoot, DCNF is a right-leaning news outlet. Rejecting the interview request could be less about race and more about being afraid of the questions asked such as ones about union corruption and street violence. Two things Chicago has become known for besides having crappy pizza. Whether Catenacci was denied because of the color of his skin or because of the cowardice of the mayor's office, that's for a judge to decide. But when it's not only the policy of the mayor to deny white reporters, but it's a policy she freely admits out loud, there's enough of a reason to think race is involved here.

That's the bigger problem. Mayor Lightfoot thinks she can get away with racial discrimination because she doesn't think anyone will call her out on it. I'm sure Lightfoot assumes many in the media share her political opinions, so they'll just look the other way. Because many in the media share her political opinions and will most likely look the other way.

The courts are the only recourse. Can an elected official deny a free press because of a reporter's race? We're going to find out.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Ron DeSantis Drops News That Will Terrify Democrats: Lockdowns Make Voters Switch to GOP

Ron DeSantis Drops News That Will Terrify Democrats: Lockdowns Make Voters Switch to GOP
Brodigan - May 27, 2021 at 01:42PM

One of the great ironies of America is how voters - Democrat ones - will vote for politicians who raise their taxes and make cost of living unaffordable. When it gets to be too expensive, they'll move. And continue to vote for the people and policies that caused them to leave their previous home. Texans are seeing it as more and more Californias bring their regulations and homeless with them. It's concerning for free red states seeing the migration of people leaving locked down commie states. Not Ron DeSantis though. According to America's Governor, the people moving to Florida are smarter than that.

The media at the beginning of this said Florida's bad, even though the facts didn't say it. Like literally last April, they're saying Florida is doing worse than New York. New York was like 10 times worse. The people that buy those phony narratives for these media probably aren't coming to Florida.

The people that see through it think like us. I think a lot of these people are coming. I think they are registering as Republicans overwhelming I also have come across a lot of people who, quite frankly, were Democrats. The lockdowns turned them into Republicans.

"Yeah, but of course DeSantis says that. He's a Republican." Maybe. But what he said is backed up by a lot of the 2020 election results, both nationally and at the state level. There was mainly just one key election that didn't work out for Republicans, only we can't discuss that one on Facebook. Voters saw what party was most to blame for their over-regulated suffering, and it wasn't Ron DeSantis's party. It was the Democrats. The same ones who fifteen months after "15 Days to Flatten the Curve" were still the most misinformed about the 'rona and governed as such.

It was the Democrat states that most prevented you from going to work or running your business. It's was the Democrat cities across the country preventing your kids from going back to in-person learning. It's leftists today who are trying to hold on to any control they have over you. For example, what are the summer camp mask guidelines where you live?

The problem, which is always the problem, is if Republicans are smart enough to take advantage of this. It requires messaging, reaching out to communities you don't normally reach out to, and a record of actual accomplishments. Even getting two out of three of those can be too much to ask for with a lot of our "leaders." Ron DeSantis is someone who pull off the hat trick.

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from Steven Crowder Says