Monday, December 6, 2021

Report: Hispanics Not Only Hate the Word 'Latinx,' They Hate People Who Use the Word 'Latinx'

Report: Hispanics Not Only Hate the Word 'Latinx,' They Hate People Who Use the Word 'Latinx'
Brodigan - December 06, 2021 at 01:36PM

Liberals, mostly white ones, made a decision amongst themselves that the words "Latino" and "Latina" weren't inclusive enough. They invented the word "Latinx." No one asked the Hispanic community what they thought. But like I said, these were mostly white liberals. When a white progressive douche has an opinion about a marginalized group, the opinions OF the marginalized group don't matter. SPOILER: Hispanic voters... They don't care for mayonnaise-looking white leftists trying to gender-language shame them.

Per a Politico poll:

  • Only 2% of Latinos use the word "Latinx." If you do the math, that means NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT don't. The rub is the people trying to make Latinx a thing also think math is racist.
  • 40% of Latinos find the word offensive.
  • 30% say they WON'T VOTE FOR SOMEONE who uses the word. This includes 25% of Democrats. This would imply Democrats need to increase calling their opponents racist by 30%

A rational, thinking group of individuals would see that something they are doing is opposed by 98% of the relevant population and that 40% of that group is offended by it, and this information would cause them to stop doing it. But we're talking about 2021 leftists. They have bloggers and random idiots on Twitter to impress. Not only will they double down on "Latinx," they'll double down on calling people who don't use "Latinx" bigots. Yes, that includes Latinos and Latinas. Two words I'm sure Big Tech will declare hate speech by Biden's State of the Union.

All while Republicans continue to make inroads with voters by talking about things they care about: jobs, the economy, public safety, and a mutual disdain for woke assclowns.

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