Monday, December 6, 2021

High School Pushes CRT on Students, May Encourage Witchcraft to Curse People Who Say 'All Lives Matter'

High School Pushes CRT on Students, May Encourage Witchcraft to Curse People Who Say 'All Lives Matter'
Joseph Gunderson - December 06, 2021 at 04:39PM

Every so often, one comes across something that is just outlandish enough that it can’t be anything but true. There’s an area between Babylon Bee-esque satire and reality within which this is so, and an editorial by a man by the name of Spencer Lindquist, an intern at The FederalistThe Federalist, demonstrates this all too perfectly.

Lindquist, a former student of the Campbell Union High School District in California and current senior at Pepperdine University, has taken a moment to look in on his former district and review just how insane it has become. Six years removed from his time in the schools, he finds “the situation has undoubtedly worsened.”

Plastering the district’s website is a cornucopia of inane Critical Race Theory resources, each one leading one into a veritable sea of intellectual excrement. The usual drivel is present. Lindquist writes that the 1619 Project is there (duh), as is a long list of anti-racism resources, complete with the moronic musings of Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi, and Ta-Nehisi Coates, all of which are some of the dumbest people to ever be taken seriously.

Ridiculously enough, the anti-racism list also includes books like The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. Both of these are actually fantastic books, but anyone who has actually read them and understands them would ever put them into the same category of trash as Kendi’s work. Some of the content actually cuts against what they are pushing.

In Morrison’s book, the characters are almost all black, and many of them treat one another terribly based solely on socioeconomic circumstances. And the abuse Pecola experiences at the hands of her father is barbaric.

Malcolm X’s autobiography, if one reads through the entire thing, destroys much of the propaganda spread by the left, but I imagine the people who made this list have read about as much of the book as LeBron James.

The district also directs people to Black Lives Matter, which we all know is a perfect resource not at all bent on destroying the country. I almost died putting those words to the page.

Possibly most hilariously, resources instruct people to hex people as “an important way to get out anger and frustration.” As Lindquist describes it, “it becomes increasingly deranged, suggesting that those who say ‘all lives matter’ or commit ‘microaggressions,’ should be targeted.”

When asked her thoughts on the document that instructed K-12 students to use witchcraft on political opponents, Branham teacher Meredith Allen told The Federalist she hasn’t read the documents her district recommends, so she “can’t comment,” but that she is generally “opposed to the ‘all lives matter’ message.”

I’d like to take a moment to say that All Lives Matter, and I don’t care if anyone feels this is a microaggression. Suck it up, cupcake.

Lindquist delves way deeper into the insanity, describing the conduct of the district’s teacher of the year Michael Espinoza who, one might have guessed, is a rabid leftist bent on brainwashing students, as well as the activities of the Equity Team. I recommend taking a gander at his piece.

Loudoun County took over headlines for a long time, but as time goes forward, plenty of other school boards, schools, and teachers have managed to come into view, showing just how prevalent these pernicious ideas truly are. This is everywhere—from your small child’s reading instruction to your high schooler’s math, English, and history courses—and it is incumbent upon the parents to do something about it.

These people—the left—they want your children. They are going to destroy who they could have been and make them into useful tools of the left if you don’t do something to stop them. You better stop them.

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