Monday, December 7, 2020

Worst Santa Ever Makes Little Boy Cry, Refuses to Bring Him a Nerf Gun

Worst Santa Ever Makes Little Boy Cry, Refuses to Bring Him a Nerf Gun
Brodigan - December 07, 2020 at 01:41PM

What an @$hole.

I want you to think about how unbelievably cruel this is. 2020 has sucked for a lot of people. Imagine being a kid. You can't play with your friends like you used to. Going to school is a coin toss. Heads and you are attending class on Zoom. Tails and you sit in a plexiglass bubble. Even the simple act of going to see Santa isn't what it used to be. Everyone is wearing a mask. Instead of sitting on Santa's lap, you're at the opposite end of a six-foot table. This kid looks like he's five years old. He's nervous. He's shy. He barely talks. When he does and asks for something, Santa Claus tells him no. Because this Santa appears to be a leftist gun control douche. Who like most leftist gun control douches don't know what a toy is.

I hope the follow-up to this video is this d*ckhead excuse for St. Nick being thrown out on his jolly hind parts. And that Nerf sends the kid all the guns.

EDIT: From someone on Facebook I'm assuming is a friend of the family. The mall is also said to be making amends.

"Many people have offered to send Michael a nerf gun. His wish list has more than been fulfilled so if you're still feeling generous please contact his mother, Sabella DeCarlo, as they are organizing a large nerf and toy donation to children in need!"

from Steven Crowder Says