Saturday, December 5, 2020

Restaurant Owner UNLOADS on LA Mayor Allowing Outdoor Dining for Movie Set as Her Business is Shut Down

Restaurant Owner UNLOADS on LA Mayor Allowing Outdoor Dining for Movie Set as Her Business is Shut Down
Brodigan - December 05, 2020 at 07:05AM

I didn't think a mayor could be a bigger schmuck than Bill de Blasio. Or an elected official could be a bigger tyrant than Andrew Cuomo. But California has always sucked more than New York does. And Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti embodies the worst of both worlds. COVID was an excuse to let his schmucky tyrannic freak flag fly. This is the dude who wants to regulate what you do in your home that he's told you not to leave. Then you have small businesses. Particularly, bars and restaurants.

Please remove any sharp objects or potential projectiles from arm's reach. Now press play and listen to this woman's story.

No word if this is the same movie that shut down a COVID testing center before they got bad press for doing so.

You could almost admire the stones it takes to do this if it didn't make you so stabby. The mayor tells restaurants they can only open with outdoor dining. Business owners invested tens of thousands of dollars to be able to do that. The mayor changes his mind and says no more outdoor dining. THEN, because Garcetti isn't a big enough @$$hole, he lets a movie set up outdoor dining. Which they do RIGHT NEXT TO A RESTAURANT THAT HAD THEIR OUTDOOR DINING SHUT DOWN. Even money says the movie stars a celebrity who calls you anti-science. I'm sure they have #WeAreAllInThisTogether in their Instagram bio too.

Anyone who has a friend in a similar situation as this woman knows they're at their wits end as well. That's without this added slap in the face from their betters in Hollywood and city government. The Mayor should be ashamed of himself. But that requires him having shame.

from Steven Crowder Says