Thursday, December 10, 2020

BREAKING: Six States Join #TexasLawSuit on the 2020 Election

BREAKING: Six States Join #TexasLawSuit on the 2020 Election
Brodigan - December 10, 2020 at 12:28PM

This was the scoop we promised on today's show. You know how it goes with lawyers. The "t's" weren't crossed by showtime. We can now announce SIX STATES that have joined the #TexasLawSuit.

Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah have formally joined Texas in its Supreme court suit against four battleground states who ran illegal and unconstitutional elections. The joining states agree with Texas: the defendant states exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify unlawfully enacting last-minute changes and ignoring both federal and state election laws, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election.

This is separate from the nineteen states filing an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit. I'm not a lawyer, but I believe that is like upvoting an article or retweeting something. You're letting the Supreme Court know you think this case is important enough for them to take up. These six states signing on means that they are suing as well. They believe enough in the case to invest time and resources. Other states can still sign-on. But as of now, these are the six to have done so.

Where this goes from here is anyone's guess. The case has its fair share of critics. I think it's safe to say if you thought SCOTUS was going refuse the case, this makes it harder for them to justify that.

from Steven Crowder Says