Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Poll: Majority Thinks Nancy Pelosi Is Horrible, Wants New Speaker of the House

Poll: Majority Thinks Nancy Pelosi Is Horrible, Wants New Speaker of the House
Brodigan - December 22, 2020 at 11:17AM

It was bound to happen. You can only suck at life so much before the people turn on you. For Nancy Pelosi, that time is today. A new Morning Consult/Politico poll thinks that the greatest Democrat leader of all time is the sh*ts. Not literally. The pollster didn't interview the guy who dookied in front of her house. My dude deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom for that stunning act of civil disobedience. But 56% of American voters believe it's time to wish Nancy well on her future endeavors.

That's of all voters. It's worth pointing out 53% of Democrats still want her as speaker. But that was before this week. This is the same Nancy Pelosi who rejected a $1.8 trillion dollar aid bill months ago. Claiming "nothing is better than something" while the American people suffered. Only to now accept a $900 billion bill that no one likes. I'm just saying, look how badly she got rolled by Cocaine Mitch. There's a good chance you can peel off at least 4% of Democrat approval.

Here's where things get interesting. Nancy hasn't been re-elected speaker yet. It still has to get voted on by Congress. She's still the same woman whose leadership cost her party seats. So much so that Democrats are starting 2021 with the slimmest majority any speaker has ever had. Pelosi can't afford a challenger or any defectors. Next year, she may not be able to mean-girl her way out of it like she usually does.

We'll see what the new year brings. I'd be shocked if Democrats had the stones to vote for someone else. Honestly, I don't want them to. Nancy Pelosi is the undisputed queen of everything Americans hate about the left. She brings so much of us joy as a result. May Pelosi reign as speaker forever and ever. At least until Rep. AOC decides it's her turn.

from Steven Crowder Says