Monday, December 14, 2020

Comedy Sketch Imagines COVID Governors as the Biggest Morons You Know

Comedy Sketch Imagines COVID Governors as the Biggest Morons You Know
Brodigan - December 14, 2020 at 01:03PM

Governors have gotten liberal with the tyranny this year. The further left your governor, the more tyrannical and arbitrary his lockdown restrictions. Chances are if you live in one of these states, you've called your governor a douchebag. Possibly a douchecanoe. Doucheburger with cheese is another option. As long as that one keyword is there, possibilities are endless. Particularly in states like New York and California. Comedian Ryan Long agrees. He reimagines these governors as the actual biggest douchebags you know. Ever wonder what it would be like if your least favorite tyrants got together to crush White Claws? It might go a little something like this.

My man nails the essence of Andrew Cuomo here.

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