Monday, December 28, 2020

Fed Up Restaurant Owner BLOCKS Health Inspector's Car, Delivers Awesome Rant

Fed Up Restaurant Owner BLOCKS Health Inspector's Car, Delivers Awesome Rant
Courtney Kirchoff - December 28, 2020 at 01:39PM

Yet again, below is a perfect example of what should happen in America. If I'm being obnoxious about it, it should've happened 16 days into 15 days to flatten the curve. Ah hell. It should've happened on day one. Oh well, here we are, and Americans are finally speaking out. I guess I underestimated the patience of the American people having their rights, income, and lives completely upended by their government. In the video below, a fed up restaurant owner blocked the car of a health department minion and explained to the several officers who responded to him why he had to do what he did.

This video is from Rumble, by the way. A hopeful alternative to YouTube.

from Steven Crowder Says