Monday, December 28, 2020

Harvard Calls Women 'Birthing People,' Ted Cruz's Two-Word Response Is Perfect

Harvard Calls Women 'Birthing People,' Ted Cruz's Two-Word Response Is Perfect
Brodigan - December 28, 2020 at 08:45AM

It's times like these when Ted Cruz might wish he had gone to Yale instead. Though, maybe not. They don't make the Ivy League quite like they used to. At Harvard, one department held a panel on something called "Maternal Justice." That's a thing the left likes to do nowadays. They take a word and put "justice" after it to try to create a new thing, usually so they have an excuse to claim anyone who thinks they're silly is racist. The tweet announcing this panel is an impressive collection of virtual-signaling woke buzzwords.

Wait ... "birthing people?" Do you mean women? It sounds like they are talking about women. Women are the ones who experience pregnancy and childbirth. Or at least they used to be. There is a "debate" in this country as to who can have babies. One side thinks men can have babies if it's actually a woman who identifies as a man. As a result, they create new and exciting ways to redefine women in non-gender-exclusive ways. The other side finds that insulting to actual women, including feminists like J.K. Rowling. Also, feminists like Ted Cruz, who used the left's favorite catchphrase against them.

To be fair, whoever runs the Twitter account in question didn't mean to "erase or dehumanize women" with language many women might feel erases and dehumanizes them.

Being woke looks exhausting. Though it is enjoyable to mock.

But yes, liberals are the party of "science." Worship at the altar of "science." Believe in "science," unlike conservative Neanderthals like Ted Cruz. It is this scientific zealotry that guides leftists into believing organisms who give birth to other organisms should no longer be called women. Because it might offend men who can't give birth. Or, women who no longer want to be called women. Thank God the people who believe this much in science are the ones working on our pandemic response.

from Steven Crowder Says