Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Group of New York Teens Violently Attack SUV with Older Woman Inside

Group of New York Teens Violently Attack SUV with Older Woman Inside
Courtney Kirchoff - December 30, 2020 at 12:24PM

You may ask "But why would they do such a thing?" and it's a fair question. As far as I can tell, there's no specific reason a group of teenagers in New York City ganged up and attacked an SUV with medical license plates. I can't remember ever wanting to jump on top of a car, or smash a car with my bicycle. Perhaps I really am old and out of touch. Watch the videos below and draw your own conclusions.

Here are some more angles:

At least a few of the teens had masks on. You know, to stay safe. Ihear a lot of mask-wearers say they wear the mask to "protect everyone else." How considerate.

Also handy about masks: covers half of the face. I've waited for criminals to take advantage of mask mandates in such a way. I can't say I'm pleased with the situation, but I do wonder how many of us are surprised those with criminalistic penchants would capitalize on any situation to remain anonymous.

As for the motive for this Lord of the Flies behavior, no idea. It does seem like a few of these kids could've used more spankings in their earlier days. Maybe more time performing daily chores and less time told how special they were for the mere act of existing. Idle hands being the devil's work kind of thing. I typically prescribe exercise or other physically laborious tasks for individuals demonstrating far too much energy expelled in fruitless efforts. Seems like more running laps and less ramming granny's car is a measured response.

Or, we can be real about this. The 20-50ish teens in the video above are shit weasels. The time for spankings is long past, and criminal charges should be brought upon all of them. A judge needn't ask "why did you do this?" but "think about why you did this as you spend time behind bars."

Incidentally, did any volunteer step forward in place of the police to get these kids to knock it off? Asking for myself.

from Steven Crowder Says