Friday, December 11, 2020

Barstool President Rants: Politicians Are STEALING Our Basic Right to Earn a Living

Barstool President Rants: Politicians Are STEALING Our Basic Right to Earn a Living
Brodigan - December 11, 2020 at 12:27PM

New York Governor Cuomo announced indoor dining is being shut down. Again. Chris' Idiot Brother I guess saw how well the tyranny is going in California. Where health officials flat-out admit it's not based on science, but the people can all suck it anyway. New York is in a never-ending battle with California over who sucks more. Cuomo must have felt he was losing ground. Though, the ban doesn't start until Monday. Science must have told him that the 'rona is taking the weekend off.

The president is not amused. No, not THAT president. Or the president-elect-in-theory. I'm talking about MY president. Barstool President Dave Portnoy. I'm confident in saying he speaks for most of us here.

Be as creative as the restaurant industry and the bar industry. They're doing everything they can. There's NO creativity from the government. I don't know what the answer is -- oh, actually, I do. Let people f*cking decide for themselves. If you want to stay home, you're afraid of corona, stay home. I wanna go out. It's not your place to tell me how to live my life at this point. In this country, politicians are taking away the right to earn a living. It's that simple. And it's insanity.

El Pres has been speaking out since early on. Though not as early as my editor Courtney. She's been calling malarky since day seven of fifteen days to flatten the curve, which was nine months ago. Another person who has been calling bullsh*t earlier than most is a friend of mine. He had to shut down one of his bars this week. He owned two and was about to start a third before the lockdown hit. Now he has to put all they have into keeping one restaurant still afloat. He and Portnoy have the same governor.

This is a bigger problem. Scarier than COVID is the precedent set for politicians with tyrannical tendencies. You'll be amazed at what they can consider a "public health crisis" if it means controlling you. Randomly deciding who gets to make a living and who doesn't. Americans made the mistake of letting them do this too easily. I'm one of them. Now it's time to wake up.

from Steven Crowder Says