Thursday, December 3, 2020

Joe Biden Turns Grinch, Claims 250,000 Will Die of COVID This Month

Joe Biden Turns Grinch, Claims 250,000 Will Die of COVID This Month
Brodigan - December 03, 2020 at 08:13AM

Joe Biden has a habit of getting death tolls wrong. Drastically wrong. He has a problem with numbers in general. As well as complete sentences. Occasionally, he has trouble remembering if he pooped or not. The man is not all there, is what I'm getting at. Yet he's our president-elect. At least for now.

Old Man Withers wants you to stay home this holiday season. He's so serious about it, he's using the same scare tactics people used in March.

I don't want to scare anyone, but you're all going to die. That's no malarky!

Let me be perfectly clear: Every death is tragic. If you think I'm implying otherwise, I cordially invite you to suck it. But for a quarter of a million of people to die in December? The death rate will need to increase SEVEN TIMES from previous months. He doesn't mean to scare anyone, my ass. This is the same scare tactic we've been hearing since March. Fifteen days to flatten the curve plus eight months to reset the global economy.

These are the same scare tactics we've been hearing from Joe Biden's Democrat comrades. If he wants to show leadership, call out these assclowns by name. People aren't taking the pandemic serious enough for Biden. Start by blaming the tyrants in his party who demand regulations they don't follow.

If Joe Biden's party actually led by example, Americans might listen to them more. Probably not, because of the 15 days plus eight months thing. But I suppose there's a chance.

from Steven Crowder Says