Monday, December 7, 2020

Unhinged Woman Yells 'Kill Yourself' to Shutdown Protesters ... and She's a Teacher?

Unhinged Woman Yells 'Kill Yourself' to Shutdown Protesters ... and She's a Teacher?
Brodigan - December 07, 2020 at 08:43AM

You never know what struggles others fight internally. The woman below could've had a bad day. Maybe she got to Bath & Bodyworks too late on Saturday and all the good candles were gone. Maybe the barista delivered her gingerbread latte with her name spelled wrong. How many times must she explain she spells it "Becki" not "Becky." Whatever happened, driving past a protest was too much. Resulting in this unfortunate moment.

Some are upset their business are shut down. Some are driven to speak out about the shutdown bupkis. This woman is just angry.

Really, crazy lady? You're a teacher? Anyone triggered by people fighting for their livelihoods shouldn't be around kids. In my opinion. Keep them away from pets, too. I'd like to think once this self-proclaimed teacher's performance gets out, she'll no longer be a teacher. But it's Oregon. West Coast teachers are built differently. The more likely result is she'll get a promotion to Superintendent of Schools.

What's more offensive is what we don't see. I'm willing to bet some of the people protesting have students in her class. This is what their teacher thinks of their parent's struggle. And the struggle of parents throughout the country.

from Steven Crowder Says