Monday, December 14, 2020

Billionaire Bill Gates Wants Small Businesses Shut Down, Gets SAVAGED by Ted Cruz

Billionaire Bill Gates Wants Small Businesses Shut Down, Gets SAVAGED by Ted Cruz
Brodigan - December 14, 2020 at 07:17AM

Businesses are struggling because of the various lockdowns. They've been struggling since March when it was fifteen days to flatten the curve. That was nine months ago. Actually, let me correct myself. SOME businesses are struggling. You can't eat outdoors at a cafe in Los Angeles. Though I'm sure you can grab a gingerbread spiced latte at the Starbucks inside the Target. Americans seem divided into two groups: people who care and have an issue with the government preventing people from making a living, and billionaire d*ckheads like Bill Gates, who feel shutting bars and restaurants down for another four to six months would be A-OK with them.

Ted Cruz is too much of a Christian and needs to keep his composure as a senator to tell Gates what he can choke on. But I'm pretty sure he was thinking what I'm thinking. Though Cruz does have a challenge. This is for ANYONE who qualifies as an -aire AND advocates other businesses shutting down.

Bill Gates has a job. Jake Tapper has a job. Tapper's leftist colleagues in the media have jobs. As they tell other people to just deal with it, NONE OF THEM are at risk of missing a paycheck. It's the people trying to figure out how to support themselves and their families who need to deal with it. It's the employers struggling to keep their employees hired during the Christmas season. They're the ones stuck at home hearing idiots on CNN tell them to struggle more. Advocate a local restaurant owner sacrificing their livelihoods for the greater good? Great. You do it too. Otherwise, shut the f*** up.

And don't give me any jive about the COVID aid being blocked. It's Gates' and Tapper's political party who have been holding the American people hostage for months over that. Spend some time holding your fellow Democrats accountable for a change.

from Steven Crowder Says