Friday, December 4, 2020

Marco Rubio Straight-Up Savages AOC Over COVID Aid to the Middle Class

Marco Rubio Straight-Up Savages AOC Over COVID Aid to the Middle Class
Brodigan - December 04, 2020 at 07:19AM

I miss Marco Rubio. He was my guy back in the day. His keynote address at CPAC in 2010 is a huge reason why I'm here now. Then 2016 happened and we all went our separate ways. Seeing this response to Congresswoman AOC over PPP loans and COVID aid was a needed reminder of how it used to be. Rep. AOC was being chirpy about a certain small business in upstate NY getting a PPP loan. With some old-fashioned race-baiting thrown in for extra zest. The senator reminded her how things work at the grown-up table.

It's remarkable how many Ls one person can take over the same topic.

Project Veritas has also never decried taking public assistance as "radical socialism." That's not James O'Keefe's preferred rabble to rouse. Most people on the right viewed the COVID aid as a necessary evil. People didn't need it because of their own fault. It's not like they took out $100K in student loans for a doctorate in gender studies. People needed it because they woke up one day and were told by the federal government that they couldn't provide for their families any more. At least for fifteen days to flatten the curve. Then for another eight months to reset the global economy. That last part is where the "radical socialism" factors in.

from Steven Crowder Says