Thursday, December 10, 2020

Actor Michael Rapaport's NSFW Anti-Lockdown Rant Speaks for Most of Us

Actor Michael Rapaport's NSFW Anti-Lockdown Rant Speaks for Most of Us
Brodigan - December 10, 2020 at 02:18PM

Michael Rapaport is no friend to conservatives. Scrolling through his anti-Trump posts makes that perfectly clear. Outside of the underrated Beautiful Girls (1996), I've never cared for him either. On this rant, we find common ground. The hypocrisy of California's new lockdown orders has been all over the news. They only apply to some people. Other people, not so much. There's no rhyme or reason to them. Other than if a politician says the word "science," we're supposed to shut up and obey.

Rapaport saw this hypocrisy on display during a leisurely drive and filed this report. This profanity-ridden, NSFW report. Serious, go yell "earmuffs" to the kids.

I have no problem with all of these people making their money and making a living, but how the f*ck is this OK, but right across the street, all the cafes, all of the restaurants are shut down? Get your money, but who's making the decisions here? Garcetti, you f*ck! Gavin Newsom with the f*ckin' good hair!

FACT-CHECK: Newsom does have a decent head of hair. He can still choke on a bag of d*cks though.

This sh*t doesn't make any f*ckin' sense. This is why motherf*ckers are pissed off and protesting!"

It makes more sense when the people in charge admit the lack of science behind the lockdown.

Here's the thing with Rapaport. It's something to keep in mind as more people speak out. The COVID Panic Porn Complex (leftist politicians, media, "experts") wants you to think there's something wrong with YOU. The people speaking out and asking questions are ignorant, fly-over country, MAGA hicks. "Don't be like THOSE people! Do what you're told." Look around. It's not only Mug Club and the BlazeTV audience speaking out. Friends and family who have never expressed a political opinion before. Small business owners struggling to make ends meet for themselves AND their employees. Democrats who still have a grasp on reality. Even guys like Michael Rapaport, who LOATHES MAGA. They're all speaking out.

We come from all backgrounds, walks of life, and political persuasions. The people pushing fear and control come from the same political persuasion. Our numbers are growing as our tolerance for this bullsh*t is shrinking.

from Steven Crowder Says