Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Chinese Sociologist Gives Inflammatory Speech, Claims China Will Drive America 'to Its Death'

Chinese Sociologist Gives Inflammatory Speech, Claims China Will Drive America 'to Its Death'
Brodigan - December 01, 2020 at 08:03AM

I want you to think back to the beginning of 2020. All the virtue-signaling over calling COVID the "China virus." Since, like, the virus came from China and all that. Here's a refresher. Our president-elect (humor me) even attacked the sitting president for being too mean to the Chicoms. I want you to remember it all. Then watch this speech from a Chinese sociologist. One who brags that China is driving America to our death. And then he gets offensive.

I'm trusting someone else's translation. Maybe he's reciting the lyrics of Barry Manilow's "Looks Like We Made it" to President Xi. I'll update this post if that's the case, but my gut tells me this is accurate.

Here's the part that will really make you stabby:

God created COVID-19 and spread it to every country in the world ... if 4,000 (Chinese) die versus 220,000 in the United States, we haven't really lost a single person, have we? We're close to zero infections and zero deaths. If 4,000 people out of 1.4 billion die, that's the same as no one getting sick and no one dying.

I was about to look up how to say "eat a dick" in Mandarin. But this guy says what we're all thinking:

The press labels anyone critical of China as a xenophobe, especially during this, our pandemic of discontent. We shouldn't blame China for the Chinese virus, we should only blame Donald Trump. Though, CNN is starting to hedge its bets with this new "shocking" revelation. The Chinese Communist Party lies! If only we had some way of knowing this about COVID months ago ...

Sure, we need to separate CCP from the Chinese people. Yadda, yadda, yadda. It's clear what side this assclown is on. All the money in my pockets says he's echoing what the people in charge believe. Which you know they do. Because if they didn't, this guy wouldn't be allowed to say it in China. They aren't our friends.

from Steven Crowder Says