Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Angry Mask Nazi Chases Woman Around Store, Screaming 'Put a F***ing Mask On'

Angry Mask Nazi Chases Woman Around Store, Screaming 'Put a F***ing Mask On'
Brodigan - December 15, 2020 at 01:16PM

The CDC recommends you wear a mask. Here's a link with more information if you're inclined to care. That out of the way, I understand people are stressed out for the holidays. Small business owners are fighting to support their families. Santa Clauses are taking down carjackers. Everyone is dealing with one internal dilemma or another. But can we all agree this old coot is a complete @$hole?

I'm guessing this video takes place in Florida. Old Man Withers here is rocking tennis shoes and a Hawaiian shirt in the Christmas craft aisle. Ten bucks say he's alone this Christmas. If this is how easily he goes full-blown crankypants, I wouldn't go through the trouble of visiting him either. "Sorry, Grandpa. Fauci says I can't fly to see you." Sometimes, excessive government regulations can work in your favor.

Plus the woman didn't sound like she was maskless in protest. Both she and Old Man Withers mentioned she had her mask around her wrist. Maybe she just got off the phone? Or had a sneeze? Or took a sip of her candy cane frappuccino? If I had an escapee from the old folks' home yelling at me for temporarily de-masking, I wouldn't put it back on either.

But remember, there's always a silver lining. Notice the masked people in the video ignoring the man, some of whom even stood up for the woman, causing our elderly friend here to storm off in a huff. These are Americans who are truly all in this together. No hashtag. Mask or no mask, everyone makes their own personal choices.

from Steven Crowder Says