Friday, December 18, 2020

Gretchen Whitmer Hires Santa to Promote Her Lockdown to Children. It's as Bad as It Sounds ...

Gretchen Whitmer Hires Santa to Promote Her Lockdown to Children. It's as Bad as It Sounds ...
Brodigan - December 18, 2020 at 08:11AM

What the hell is this?

I'm at a loss of where to even begin.

Let's start from a communications standpoint. Whoever greenlit this needs to be blacklisted from ever working in politics again. Also, from ever working in communications or with children. You have to wonder what kind of a person would schedule Santa Claus during his busy season, only to have him lecture kids on masks and social distancing. Then you remember what a leftist assclown Whitmer is and it makes more sense. Santa needs to be making a list and checking it twice. Or if he has the free time, fighting crime and getting drugs off the streets.

Also, it was clear she was reading from a script. WHO THE HELL NEEDS A SCRIPT TO TALK TO SANTA CLAUS?

That brings us to the offensive part. Politicizing Santa. To children. I defy you to find me a kid worried about the coronavirus right now. When they see Santa Claus, their concern is a Playstation 5. Or the LOL Surprise OMG House. A few might worry about the less fortunate and hope Santa is taking care of them too. But none care about masks. This political stunt was because of their parents. The ones referring to Whitmer as a wretched tyrant. Parents are struggling to provide for their children because of Whitmer's lockdown orders. Whitmer's response is to try to turn their children against them. Or, maybe if Santa scares them about COVID, they won't ask why their Pop-Pop and MeMaw won't be celebrating this year.

Gretchen Whitmer can choke on a lump of coal.

from Steven Crowder Says