Monday, December 21, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Runs from CNN Reporter Questioning Why She Held Up Relief Bill for Months

Nancy Pelosi Runs from CNN Reporter Questioning Why She Held Up Relief Bill for Months
Brodigan - December 21, 2020 at 08:04AM

Since the summer, Nancy Pelosi has been holding up a vote for COVID relief. Sure, the Senate could have voted on a bill and the two sides could have negotiated. Pelosi wouldn't let that happen. Since she has Chuck Schumer's balls in her purse, it didn't happen. That's a metaphor, "fact" "checkers." It's a metaphor. Nancy Pelosi does not literally carry around Chuck Schumer's testicles.

Pelosi famously said, "Nothing is better than something." She would lash out at reporters who dared challenge her. Yes, both of them! The $1.8 trillion offer from the Trump administration wasn't enough. That's why the Greatest Democrat Leader Who Has Ever Lived supports a bill for ... $900 billion. CNN has questions. Questions that Nancy Pelosi ran from.

Again, "fact" "checkers," a metaphor. I doubt Nancy was actually running. At her age, I'm not sure she can.

It's true. McConnell said he disagreed with the Trump administration's $1.8 trillion. Show of hands: Who thinks that if Trump told Republicans to support his plan, they would have told him no? A lot of what's proposed leaves fiscal conservatives rocking back and forth as they sit on the floor of a shower. Trust me, we can smell our own. Let's not pretend the Republican senators were going to suddenly pretend deficits matter. None of them were going to defy Trump. If the president said $1.8 trillion, that's what the GOP would have said.

Sadly, they never got a chance to. Because Nancy Pelosi said no to $1.8 trillion. She then let the American people suffer longer (allegedly) so she could say yes to ... $900 billion. I'd run from the twerps at CNN too.

from Steven Crowder Says