Monday, December 7, 2020

Ted Cruz's Hunting Photo Angers John Cleese, But Cruz's Response Is Perfect

Ted Cruz's Hunting Photo Angers John Cleese, But Cruz's Response Is Perfect
Brodigan - December 07, 2020 at 07:38AM

How was your weekend? You may have spent it Christmas shopping. Maybe you watched football. Or argued with haters and losers on Twitter. Sen. Ted Cruz spent his weekend throwing back Shiners, blasting Georgie Strait, and thinking of all the wonderful venison recipes he's going to try out.

Okay, only that last part is confirmed. The rest is how I imagine he spent his weekend.

It's a beautiful buck. Or is it a doe? All I know about hunting is that meat is delicious. You can't grill it until you kill it. God bless the people who do the latter so that I can do the former. I also know how triggered leftist blue-checks get when hunters share photos.. Factor in that they also hate Ted Cruz as much as they do rational policy, and I'm sure you can imagine some of the responses.

One came from actor John Cleese. Cleese has been making too much sense lately, so it's easy to forget that he's still a liberal. He went the "rackle rackle rackle, unarmed creature" route with his dissent. Senator Cruz responded in a very Senator Cruz way.

The senator "bless your heart'd" him. "Gee, thank you. It's going to be delicious! Also, good work on that free speech thing you've been doing." It's always better to respond with snark than with outrage. Don't give people the reaction they are hoping for. Not that responding with a video of you field-dressing your hunt isn't tempting.

Kill them with kindness. After killing a deer with your bare hands. Again, that's at least how I picture Ted Cruz doing it.

from Steven Crowder Says