Friday, December 11, 2020

Donald Trump Goes Thug Life on Reporter Who Challenged Him on Christmas

Donald Trump Goes Thug Life on Reporter Who Challenged Him on Christmas
Brodigan - December 11, 2020 at 12:57PM

Let's begin by saying as of December 8th, states have certified presidential election results, with Joe Biden as president-elect. You'll see that sentence on whatever platform you are reading this on (except Parler). I'll save the "fact" "checkers" the trouble. But we're not here to discuss the 2020 election. Or the fact that there's a Supreme Court case challenging the 2020 election. I want to talk about Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. To everyone except for the White House press corps. Allegedly.

Holidays in 2020 appear to have opened a new front in our culture wars. No, not the politically correct way to express holiday greetings. Celebrating the holiday in the first place. Our "president-elect" spoke out against Thanksgiving. Our current president loves Christmas. Even with all that's happened, Trump is still full of holiday cheer. Must be because of his cameo in Home Alone 2. A reporter questioned the president for celebrating Christmas. Trump has been throwing Christmas parties, even now during our time of the COVID. The reporter was wearing a mask, so I'm not sure who he was. Here's how the president responded.

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