Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New Jersey Gym Owners Make It Official, Vow to Recall Gov. Murphy

New Jersey Gym Owners Make It Official, Vow to Recall Gov. Murphy
Brodigan - December 23, 2020 at 07:33AM

Merry Christmas, New Jersey! This makes up for the abortion that is Jon Bon Jovi's cover of "Fairytale of New York." Ian Smith is the owner of Atilis Gym. Over the course of 2020, he's been in a feud with NJ Gov. Phil Murphy. Smith wants to keep his business open and provide for his family. Murphy says no, because of the pandemic. The governor keeps finding new and expensive ways to prevent Smith from staying open. So Smith, inspired by California, filed to have Murphy recalled.

Governor Murphy has trampled on our civil liberties while ignoring his own orders, decimated small businesses with arbitrary lockdowns, is personally responsible for the decision to put infected patients into senior homes resulting in the deaths of over 7,000 seniors, and has shown himself unable to work with the public for a sensible solution to these issues. ⁣

We will be collecting the 1.2 million signatures to make the recall official.

According to the video, Murphy was gone for the holidays. No doubt celebrating with less than ten people. Had Murphy been at work, I'm sure he would give his side of the story. Something about keeping the gym closed for your own good. I'd guess a claim about "only" being guided by science too. Which would be funny, actually. Ian Smith asked the governor to point to a single study showing why his business needed to be locked down. As far as I know, Murphy has yet to do that.

We'll see what the New Year brings. Collecting 1.2 million signatures is a massive effort. Murphy as governor also has the bully pulpit to push back. Smith and his supporters are highly motivated. If they can effectively organize, they could pull this off.

from Steven Crowder Says