Thursday, December 3, 2020

Mask Nazi Assaults Man for Christmas Shopping Without a Mask

Mask Nazi Assaults Man for Christmas Shopping Without a Mask
Brodigan - December 03, 2020 at 01:03PM

We'll be seeing a lot more of this. As the stores get more crowded with Christmas shoppers, the mask nazis will be out in full force. What's most sad about this video? I doubt the @$$holes in this video think that they are in fact @$$holes. If you're not sure yourself, he's a hint. It's not the guy socially distanced from other shoppers.

I'm pro-mask. I keep extras in my car. If I need to go to a store, my mouth and nose are always covered. So I say this from a pro-mask perspective. If this happened in front of me, the dinkus who dumped the water is getting dropped. First, I don't get why there was a bucket of water lying around. It could very well have had cleaning solution in it, which takes things to a different level.

More importantly, the maskless dude was minding his own business. He was away from everyone. He had one item in his hand. As people were yelling at him, he didn't even speak. The guy wasn't staging a one-man anti-mask protest. There's a chance he just had to run out for a thing and left his mask at home.

I only wish I knew what store this was. We didn't see security dragging the mask nazi out of the store for attacking a customer. So I'd want to make sure we knew never to shop there.

from Steven Crowder Says