Thursday, December 3, 2020

Restaurant Owner Interrupts News Report with Patriotic Anti-Shutdown Message

Restaurant Owner Interrupts News Report with Patriotic Anti-Shutdown Message
Brodigan - December 03, 2020 at 09:47AM

The man you are about to meet is going to be your new hero. We've seen people interrupt news reports before. Usually to point out the hypocrites not wearing masks. This guy had a message for America. His name is Dave Morris. He's a restaurant owner in Michigan. He is pissed off. And I'd like to buy him all the beers.

My government leaders have abandoned me. ... They have put me in a position where I have to fight back.

They want me to go down and be quiet and never hear from me again. I am not going to put up with it. It's time to rise up. Shut it all down or don't shut any of us down. That's the only way to get control of a virus.

I'm torn on the "give $20,000 to every American" part. The fiscal conservative in me recoils at the precedent. But the man's point is well taken. Our government is going to spend trillions of our tax dollars anyway. 20 Gs is plenty for me to stay home for two months listening to music and doing puzzles.

His overall message is one all Americans can get behind. Or, one that all Americans SHOULD get behind. Anyone who knows a small business owner has heard his rant directly. Usually over beers and tears because the owner is at their wits' end. Multiply that by ten if they own a bar or restaurant. These people are struggling. If they ever raise their voice about it, our betters shut them down. Tell them to just shut up and listen to science. Either that, or blame Donald Trump.

You can either side with him or the side of the people doing this to him.

from Steven Crowder Says