Sunday, December 13, 2020

New Jersey Gym Owner Drops Poignant Message Where Gov. Murphy Can Stick His Lockdown

New Jersey Gym Owner Drops Poignant Message Where Gov. Murphy Can Stick His Lockdown
Brodigan - December 13, 2020 at 08:10AM

Welcome to Bellmawr, New Jersey. Atilis Gym stands as Ground Zero for citizens pushing back against lockdown orders. Owner Ian Smith is the type of cat Bruce Springsteen would sing ballads about. If Springsteen weren't such a leftist douche. Things started off well. Local authorities told the people they were on their side. Then NJ Gov. Phil Murphy thought a little tyranny was in order. Fines were levied. Licenses were revoked. I'm sure the governor still hasn't pointed to any actual science defending his actions.

Over a million dollars later, Smith still isn't backing down.

It's the holiday season. Ten bucks say he got this idea from the movie Love Actually. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. It's when the artsy guy tried stealing Keira Knightley from her husband. But Smith is using signs for nobler reasons. And God bless him for doing so. Others may have folded after the first thousand dollars in fines. Smith is standing on principle. Consequences, schmonsequences. It appears more people are on Smith's side than they are on Governor Murphy's. Look how many Jerseyites are telling contact tracers where to stick their questions.

Shutting down gyms is like shutting down outdoor dining. There's no science behind it. It's all about control. The rub is people need to remember this when these tyrants are up for reelection.

from Steven Crowder Says