Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Sorry, Democrats. Tulsi Gabbard Says Elderly Should Get COVID Vaccine First - Facebook Safe

Sorry, Democrats. Tulsi Gabbard Says Elderly Should Get COVID Vaccine First - Facebook Safe
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 09:09AM

Now that we have vaccines for the coronavirus, there is a debate about who gets to go first. The CDC has its guidelines. Some have a broad definition of what essential worker means. There are also governors like Andrew Cuomo. People might say he has a questionable sense of priorities. I have many more opinions on the matter. Please note the words "Facebook Safe" in this title. There could very well be another version of this post somewhere on this site. Sadly, we still need to parley with the Facebook censors for the time being. That sentence might be another clue.

For now, let's focus on these direct comments from Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Unlike some of her colleagues, Gabbard said she is going to wait her turn for the vaccine. She also has what some may call a crazy idea that our most vulnerable should go first.

Because the vaccines have not been scientifically established to prevent transmission of the virus, vaccinating large numbers of young people before our seniors will likely hasten the spread of the disease. The only way to prevent this disaster is by vaccinating frontline healthcare workers/first responders and those over 65, before vaccinating over younger, healthy workers; and by clearly informing every individual that getting the vaccine will not keep them from being able to infect others.

"Clearly informing" is the sticky wicket here. The belief over most of 2020 was that the vaccine would be a miracle cure. Some of that I feel can be blamed on the people building it up as such. Some of it can also be wishful thinking on the behalf of people who want their lives back. Most of you reading this probably find that understandable. If you're not in that group yourself. 2020 has sucked eight ways from Sunday. We all want to get back to normal.

That's not how vaccines work. Don't quote me on this because I'm not a scientist. But I'm of the impression they don't cure you as much as they make it easier for your body to fight off viruses. That's why people like Tulsi Gabbard feel our elderly should be among the first to go. If only there were sciencey people who could explain things to the American people better.

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