Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ted Cruz Pushes Back Against MSNBC Doctor Advocating Lockdowns: "This is a cult..."

Ted Cruz Pushes Back Against MSNBC Doctor Advocating Lockdowns: "This is a cult..."
Brodigan - December 16, 2020 at 09:11AM

I'm not here to challenge the science or the CDC on anything COVID-related. Let me repeat that for the "fact" "checkers" in the back. I'M NOT QUESTIONING ANY COVID DATA. But at what point are we allowed to say enough is enough? First, we were told fifteen days to flatten the curve. That was nine months ago. For most of those nine months, we were told no getting back to normal without a vaccine. We now have two vaccines to choose from. So of course there's a doctor on MSNBC saying even with a vaccine, no getting back to normal ... yet.

Senator Ted Cruz isn't the least bit amused.

More conspiracy-minded people will say "total government control" was the plan all along. It doesn't help that some world leaders have validated those concerns. The rest of us were told vaccines were the goal. Vaccines were the light at the end of the tunnel. We wore masks and avoided family and put our lives on pause just until "science" was able to develop a vaccine. Now the same media that told is changing the rules again. Yes, this is one doctor on one cable news network. If what Dr. Gupta said ISN'T the accepted talking point by the rest of the media next week, I'll eat my neck gaiter.

Families are struggling. Businesses are struggling. Everyone seems to be struggling EXCEPT the people telling us we just need to struggle a little bit more. So again I'll ask. At what point are we allowed to say enough is enough?

from Steven Crowder Says