Monday, December 7, 2020

No, Dan Crenshaw DIDN'T Make Fun of AOC's 'Working-Class Roots,' He Just Made Fun of AOC

No, Dan Crenshaw DIDN'T Make Fun of AOC's 'Working-Class Roots,' He Just Made Fun of AOC
Brodigan - December 07, 2020 at 12:03PM

There's a story making its way around the interwebs involving two favorites of ours, albeit for different reasons: Rep. Dan Crenshaw and Rep. AOC. Some claim the congressman mocked his colleague's "working-class roots" during a speech. Because that's the way a single activist framed his comments. Everyone claiming the same is retweeting her. Including Rep. AOC.

Here's a fan video of Crenshaw's comment. He isn't making fun of anyone's "working-class roots." He's only making fun of AOC being a silly, silly person. As well as some important comments about the Georgia runoff.

MEDIA Fact-Check: MSM Caught LYING About Georgia Elections! | Louder With Crowder

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