Thursday, December 17, 2020

Trump Cuts California Health Care Funds Over Abortion

Trump Cuts California Health Care Funds Over Abortion
Brodigan - December 17, 2020 at 07:43AM

CNN probably won't cover this story. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump and election results. Contrary to what you may have heard, Trump and his administration are still doing the work of the people. I refer you to Vaccine, Coronavirus. Here's a story you may have missed. California currently forces insurance companies to cover abortions. The Health and Human Services Department warned the state that it would lose federal funds. Promises made, promises kept. To the tune of $200 million per fiscal quarter.

The administration warned California earlier this year that it could lose federal funding over a 2014 regulation mandating that employers and private insurance plans pay for abortions.
The Department of Health and Human Services determined that the state was violating a federal antidiscrimination law, known as the Weldon Amendment, that protects insurers from being forced to provide abortion coverage, the department said in a statement. HHS Secretary Alex Azar said in the statement that California had violated federal conscience laws and refused to take corrective action. "So we are now taking action to hold them to account," he said.

This isn't a move an incoming Democrat administration will keep. Not when California Democrat Kamala Harris has what some consider extremist views on abortion. The Democrat Party views abortion as a holy sacrament, or at the very least "sacred." The story's still an example why many consider Trump the most pro-life president of our lifetimes. Most of the focus is on his use of Twitter and cable news. When people start to look at his first term policy-wise, it's chock-full of conservative policy wins. Even if some are temporary wins, it's still a blueprint for how to win them back in the future. His pro-life, anti-Planned Parenthood policies are at the top of the list.

from Steven Crowder Says