Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Marco Rubio Backs the Truck Over Anthony Fauci for Lying to the American People

Marco Rubio Backs the Truck Over Anthony Fauci for Lying to the American People
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 09:06AM

I never had a beef with Anthony Fauci as much as some of my colleagues did. Though the dislike and distrust have been growing on me. Like a fungus. A fungus Anthony Fauci would most likely want to shut down the country for. It was sometime between "just shut up and do what you're told" and "sure I lied, and there's nothing you can do about it." Sen. Marco Rubio was late to the game like I was.

He called out Fauci with a tweet that was of course misreported and/or lied about in the media. The senator doubled down in an opinion piece on Fox News. Some choice nuggets:

The American people deserve the truth; they also deserve accountability.

The point here is not to stop trusting public health guidelines ... but it does mean that placing blind faith in unelected celebrity scientists — elevated by a media that award Emmys to negligent politicians with their own grisly records — has its limits, and we must not be afraid to call them out when they're caught overstepping their legitimate authority.

Pope Fauci the Second caused a lot of damage to the pandemic response, more than media let on: contradictory messages, lockdowns and regulations on the commoners as elites went on with their lives, and the constant moving of goalposts. Telling local restaurants they have to shut down, but the Nathan's in Walmart was a safe dining space. What the experts did after the initial fifteen days to flatten the curve caused more people to ask questions.

I do not question Dr. Fauci's motives ...

I do.

... but I am appalled by his arrogance. If he wants to lead the nation, he should run for office. Otherwise, he should give us an honest and transparent reading of the science, not polling data.

Something tells me if Anthony Fauci ever actually ran for office, people will see he's not as smart as people think. Also, "just do what you're told" isn't a winning message on the campaign trail.

My biggest fear is that the president-elect (?) has made it clear he's going to do what Fauci tells him. As well as any other unelected bureaucrat. Liberals seem to gravitate towards them. It's almost as if they feel if voters hear what they really think, the voters wouldn't vote for them. More people besides just Rubio and Rand Paul need to speak out now and in the next few years.

from Steven Crowder Says