Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Alyssa Milano Tries Comparing Masks to AR-15s and It's All Sorts of Stupid

Alyssa Milano Tries Comparing Masks to AR-15s and It's All Sorts of Stupid
Brodigan - December 29, 2020 at 11:55AM

2020 is the year Alyssa Milano lost her mind. Flipped her gourd. The lights are on but there's no one home watching the Charmed reboot. Whether you're happy or sad about this depends upon if you grew up with Samantha Micelli. Or whatever her character's name was in Embrace of the Vampire. For the former actress turned slacktivist, being locked down in her house was too much. Some of us coped by making banana bread and TikTok videos. She ranted on Twitter and called the cops over a squirrel.

Today's brain nugget combines the best of both worlds: New-school talking points with old-school anti-gun zealotry.

Here's what the CDC has to say about masks. I'll get to that part of the tweet in a moment. But first, have celebrities not heard of any other gun? They make a whole bunch of them. There are others to choose from besides the AR-15. I guess we should be glad she didn't call it a fully semi-automatic AR-15. You know, for maximum fear.

But as for whether a mask will protect you more than a [place gun here], they're designed for two different uses. Masks protect you from germs, guns protect you from bad guys. Guns protect you if you are at a store and another customer pulls a gun. Masks protect you if you are at a store and don't wanna deal with crazy people screaming WEAR A MASK. Masks are believed to be 100% scientifically proven to protect you from catching the coronavirus, no questions asked. Guns help protect you and your loved ones. Questions are regularly asked, but usually by people who know nothing about guns. Both masks and guns protect us in their own unique ways and should be celebrated accordingly.

Personally, I think this was a very lazy tweet from Milano. She could have found a way to work Russian collusion and how much she stans Anthony Fauci into it. There's room to squeeze in an extra talking point or two.

from Steven Crowder Says