Monday, December 7, 2020

Comedian Summarizes Hollywood's COVID Hypocrisy in One Brutal Tweet

Comedian Summarizes Hollywood's COVID Hypocrisy in One Brutal Tweet
Brodigan - December 07, 2020 at 08:12AM

This is one blogger's opinion. But eight months after the initial "fifteen days to flatten the curve," it feels like we are no longer all in this together. If we ever were all in this together. There are people suffering under what some call tyrannical shutdown rules. Then there are the people imposing those rules, shaming those who dare question what we're told by our betters. Especially lately in California. On one side you have normies struggling to get by. On the other are government officials calling those normies domestic terrorists.

The divide between elitists and the rest of us has never been more perfectly illustrated, like in this tweet from Whitney Cummings, who calls out some of her colleagues in the entertainment industry.

I wouldn't call it amazing. I'd call it expected. I also want a Venn diagram of the Hollywood people Cummings described. Compared to Hollywood people who have #WeAreAllInThisTogether" in their bio. It would be one giant circle. A giant circle of people calling you anti-science because you — while taking all the safety measures you're told to — still want to be able to provide for your family. Or allow your employees to be able to provide for theirs. Or maybe you want to see an elderly loved one while there is still time, without being told you are going to kill them.

So no, we are not all in this together. We never were. More and more people are waking up to that.

from Steven Crowder Says