Thursday, December 17, 2020

Facebook Safe: Anthony Fauci Goes Full Grinch, Demands Americans Not See Family for Christmas

Facebook Safe: Anthony Fauci Goes Full Grinch, Demands Americans Not See Family for Christmas
Brodigan - December 17, 2020 at 04:10PM

2020 has been a sucky enough year without going into reruns. I feel like we've seen this movie before when "experts" tried to ruin Thanksgiving. Celebrating with family is old and busted. Staying at home in fear is the new hotness. Never mind that the virus "surge" we expected to see post-Thanksgiving didn't really come to fruition. It will totally come this time. Just ask Anthony Fauci. He's giving up Christmas, so you should too:

[Our kids] are not going to come home … That's painful. We don't like that. But that's just one of the things you're going to have to accept as we go through this unprecedented challenging time.

I don't have to do [Censored for Facebook] because a bureaucrat tells me to. Bear in mind that while Fauci is giving up his family, other elderly folks would make a different decision.

Stay at home as much as you can, keep your interactions to the extent possible to members of the same household. This cannot be business as usual this Christmas ...

Whatever happened to making our choices? I guess that was a thing in 2019.

... because we're already in a very difficult situation, and we're going to make it worse, if we don't do something about it.

Fauci went on to say that with the vaccine, we should be back to normal next year. Only the media has already started saying no back to normal even with a vaccine. Kind of seems like goal posts have been shifted. Let's play a mental exercise. What happens if we wait until next year, Fauci says the year after that? What are the consequences are if we're misled once more? Because again, every time you look around, the goalposts are somewhere else. Sure, the "experts" will say "the science" made us do it, but I still feel it's a fair question to ask the so-called experts.

By the way, you may have noticed at the top of this article the title "Facebook safe." Right. I'm not saying there's an alternative version of this article on the website with more colorful commentary. I'm for sure not saying that.

from Steven Crowder Says