Monday, December 28, 2020

Maskless Woman Confronted by Mask Nazis Declares She's DONE with COVID Restrictions

Maskless Woman Confronted by Mask Nazis Declares She's DONE with COVID Restrictions
Courtney Kirchoff - December 28, 2020 at 10:33AM

After several days of giving as few craps as possible to the news, I stumbled over on Twitter where a number of people had retweeted a video of a maskless woman taking a stand against COVID restrictions. It looks like she's in a Target or some facsimile thereof. and was confronted for being without mask and how dare she put countless lives at risk. But my gal pal here didn't back down. Take a look.

She's absolutely right about everything. Facebook would say that's misinformation but Facebook can go suck on a dead tree.

Healthy people shouldn't be treated like carriers of the plague. Also, COVID-19 isn't the plague. I've called it a cough since at least March and I stand by my statement. If you're whining about COVID-19 killing people, go look up how many people die from seasonal flu every year then kindly shut your pie hole.

What's happening in America has less to do with a disease and more to do with control. What we're seeing now is divide and conquer, and never in my lifetime have people made this division so simple. The sane and the insane are freely branding themselves. For me, the "sane" are people like the lady above. Who I've just annexed into my fantasy tribe, by the way. The insane are those who happily wear a mask thinking they're actually doing something other than possibly putting themselves at greater risk for more health problems due to inhaling too much of their own exhaled air. They then go around shaming people and calling Five-Oh on anyone who isn't drowning themselves in the same Kool-aid.

If you're out there wondering "but what can I do" then may I suggest you follow this lady's lead. Stop asking the government to end the lockdowns. People can end the lockdowns by no longer complying with the lockdowns. Power in numbers, people. Be brave, stand up for your rights and way of life. Stop following these draconian measures.

from Steven Crowder Says