Friday, December 18, 2020

Dan Crenshaw Explains It All: Blame Nancy Pelosi for Holding Relief Hostage

Dan Crenshaw Explains It All: Blame Nancy Pelosi for Holding Relief Hostage
Brodigan - December 18, 2020 at 07:30AM

This post may sound like Mike Tyson landing punches on the corpse of Secretariat. But it needs to be repeated over and over again. Nancy Pelosi is the reason why there hasn't been a new round of COVID relief. When people like El Presidente blame the government, the government is Pelosi. Chuck Schumer kept blocking Senate votes because Pelosi has bigger testicles. Providing Americans with relief would be a win for Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi knew if she and the Democrats lied, they could count on most in the media to swear to it. Even more maddening? Now that the election is over(?), Pelosi admits what she did and why she did it.

Dan Crenshaw has been vocal making the point that you don't need two eyes to see who's to blame. Here's his latest video on the matter.

Here's the punchline. Or, here's what would be the punchline if jokes elicited a stabby reaction. What I've read about — whatever round of negotiations we're on — implies a final relief bill will look like what the Senate wanted. Meaning, we could have voted on this months ago. Again, this is where Jake Paul uppercutting a recently expired My Little Pony comes in. The House passed a bill. If the Senate was allowed to pass a bill, the two sides could have gone to committee. Negotiated a compromise of the two. There would have been a vote. The American people would have gotten relief. Pelosi could be holding a third relief bill hostage by now.

Instead, we may get what we could have gotten months ago. So Nancy Pelosi held the American people hostage in 2020 for what reason exactly? That's a rhetorical question.

from Steven Crowder Says