Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Dana White Unloads on Media That Attacked UFC During the Pandemic ... and He Brings Receipts!

Dana White Unloads on Media That Attacked UFC During the Pandemic ... and He Brings Receipts!
Brodigan - December 22, 2020 at 07:50AM

The CDC says a bunch of things about COVID-19 you can read about here. Not that this post has anything to do with the virus. It's at best corona-adjacent. But, Facebook and "fact" "checks" and whatnot.

Dana White was an easy target for the sports media in 2020. When the sports world went into a panic over the virus, he looked for ways to continue holding events. So the sports media went on the attack. At times, some felt like the sports media was actively cheering for events to be shut down. The word "media" takes precedence over the word "sports," I guess. Also, I'm sure Dana White's support of Donald Trump didn't help matters. Nor did his lack of patience for any woke-adjacent.

The UFC president worked on finding solutions anyway. As a result, the UFC had what turned into an incredible year. White released a video to remind the press how much they suck at life. He also has a message for anyone still living in fear.

Of course, it's easy to do that starting with a pile of F-U money. Local restaurants are scraping together the money to comply with outdoor dining. It's not like they can buy an island and start serving tapas. But the point is still taken. It is up to YOU. Or, it's up to US. Even if it is on a smaller scale, there are still things we can all do. One might say we were too compliant in 2020. That's a mistake none of us should make in 2021.

But at the end of the day, whether it's sports or politics, people in the media all suck at life. If #WereAllInThisTogether over anything, it's realizing that.

from Steven Crowder Says