Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Hilaria Baldwin Indicates People Who Thought She was Spanish were 'Confused.' Here's Video of Alec Imitating her Spanish Accent!

Hilaria Baldwin Indicates People Who Thought She was Spanish were 'Confused.' Here's Video of Alec Imitating her Spanish Accent!
Courtney Kirchoff - December 30, 2020 at 03:16PM

Sorry to interrupt your year end round-ups of the Top This and Thats of 2020, but we have to talk about Hilaria Baldwin and her esposo Alec. Since I'm 36, it's hard for me to summon the craps necessary to know about every who's who in the Hollywood Zoo. But it's come to the attention of social media and news outlets that Alec Baldwin's wife isn't Spanish. I didn't even know her name was HIlaria, so the "news" senora Baldwin isn't Spanish didn't really register with me until I learned she's pretended to be Spanish for several years. In a new piece from The New York Times, Hilaria says: "Today we have an opportunity to clarify for people who have been confused — and have been confused in some ways by people misrepresenting me," in reference to people thinking she was Spanish. Possibly including her husband?

From The New York Times:

For days now, the internet and the news media have dogged her, sharing evidence of Ms. Baldwin speaking in a Spanish accent in this video but not that one, of fluffy magazine spreads in ¡Hola! that cite her as a native Spanish speaker, of a "Today" show clip showing her making gazpacho and asking Telemundo's Evi Sisko what the English word for cucumbers is and of a biography posted on the website of Creative Artists Agency, the talent organization, that said she was born in Mallorca, Spain.

This seems like a good enough place as any to drop this little nugget:

"My wife is from Spain." Funny. I was born in California but I feel like I'm from Madagascar.

Here's more from the senora:

"The things I have shared about myself are very clear," Ms. Baldwin said. "I was born in Boston. I spent time in Boston and in Spain. My family now lives in Spain. I moved to New York when I was 19 years old and I have lived here ever since. For me, I feel like I have spent 10 years sharing that story over and over again. And now it seems like it's not enough."

"I have spent the last ten years sharing that story over and over again." Interesting, as I have another Alec video where he imitates his wife's accent. Maybe he's not listening, or maybe Hilaria isn't being entirely forthcoming with the truth.

Listen, is this whole Hilaria Baldwin story kind of stupid? Yes, and minus the kind of. But here's where we have to ask ourselves what would happen if, say, Ted Cruz's wife had done the same. Would the New York Times have seemingly run to Mrs. Cruz's defense or accused her of gross cultural appropriation? You already know the answer. This is what we call a "rhetorical question."

How do you think media would've responded to all the clips of Ted Cruz imitating his wife's fake Spanish accent? Right.

Imagine if I used a British accent for the past ten years and then suddenly didn't. Then pretended everyone else was crazy. I feel like that's what happened here. I believe this kind of practice is what we call "gaslighting." So many new vocabulary terms, am I right? Someone translate these terms into espanol for Senora Baldwin, muy rapido.

Alec Baldwin's Wife Hilary The Fake Spaniard COMPILATION

The internet is forever, Alec and Hillary. It didn't end so well for Ross Gellar, either.

Friends - HD - The British Accent

Happy New Year, all!

from Steven Crowder Says

Media Challenges Gov. Ron DeSantis to Take Vaccine, He Responds Perfectly

Media Challenges Gov. Ron DeSantis to Take Vaccine, He Responds Perfectly
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 01:59PM

Ron DeSantis has been an interesting governor to watch during the pandemic. Far be it from me to make too many claims about his record. The governor can fight that out with the media on his own. Three guesses which side the "fact" "checkers" from Facebook will side with. But scroll through social media. I'm guessing you'll find people enjoying freedoms other states allegedly don't have right now. More safely than in other states too.

But what about the vaccine? Some elected officials are rushing to get theirs, regardless of how much they aren't at risk of actually getting the coronavirus. Though, it makes for good content on the 'Gram to be there with a mask and a needle in your arm. As someone who hustles content for a living, game kinda respects game. Others feel people most vulnerable to get and die from the virus should be vaccinated first. to prevent the getting sick and dying thing. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has been speaking out. A reporter asked DeSantis when he would get all vaxxed up. His response, in my humble opinion, is perfect.

More importantly than any health questions, excellent use of "whoop dee doo." Also, the governor of Florida being the same age as me is a fact I don't have the strength for right now. One of us is the chief executive of one of the largest states in the nation. The other is wearing a bathrobe at 2:30 on a Wednesday afternoon. Life isn't fair. But our mutual age puts me in the same boat. I'm not rushing out to get the vaccine either, because I'm not at risk. Plenty of other people who are should go first, for the greater good and all that. Elected officials under the age of, say, sixty-five or so? Personally, it sends a stronger message for them NOT to get the vaccine because it's more important for others. Kudos to DeSantis for thinking so.

Also, when it's my turn, that's between me and my doctor. NOT anyone on social media. Unless you want to start seeing Snapchats of my annual proctology exam. Your call.

from Steven Crowder Says

Group of New York Teens Violently Attack SUV with Older Woman Inside

Group of New York Teens Violently Attack SUV with Older Woman Inside
Courtney Kirchoff - December 30, 2020 at 12:24PM

You may ask "But why would they do such a thing?" and it's a fair question. As far as I can tell, there's no specific reason a group of teenagers in New York City ganged up and attacked an SUV with medical license plates. I can't remember ever wanting to jump on top of a car, or smash a car with my bicycle. Perhaps I really am old and out of touch. Watch the videos below and draw your own conclusions.

Here are some more angles:

At least a few of the teens had masks on. You know, to stay safe. Ihear a lot of mask-wearers say they wear the mask to "protect everyone else." How considerate.

Also handy about masks: covers half of the face. I've waited for criminals to take advantage of mask mandates in such a way. I can't say I'm pleased with the situation, but I do wonder how many of us are surprised those with criminalistic penchants would capitalize on any situation to remain anonymous.

As for the motive for this Lord of the Flies behavior, no idea. It does seem like a few of these kids could've used more spankings in their earlier days. Maybe more time performing daily chores and less time told how special they were for the mere act of existing. Idle hands being the devil's work kind of thing. I typically prescribe exercise or other physically laborious tasks for individuals demonstrating far too much energy expelled in fruitless efforts. Seems like more running laps and less ramming granny's car is a measured response.

Or, we can be real about this. The 20-50ish teens in the video above are shit weasels. The time for spankings is long past, and criminal charges should be brought upon all of them. A judge needn't ask "why did you do this?" but "think about why you did this as you spend time behind bars."

Incidentally, did any volunteer step forward in place of the police to get these kids to knock it off? Asking for myself.

from Steven Crowder Says

Top 5 Mask Supporter Meltdowns of 2020 - Facebook Safe

Top 5 Mask Supporter Meltdowns of 2020 - Facebook Safe
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 09:28AM

2020 introduced us to new phrases. Curbside pickup. Zoom Happy Hour. Peaceful protester. But a personal favorite of mine is the mask...this is the Facebook safe version. Think of people you have seen who are passionate about wearing masks. Think of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. If you choose to put the two together and use the search function on this website, that's on you.

We've had many a laugh at the expense of these people who are uber passionate about wearing masks. I've narrowed it down to my five favorites. Honorable mention goes to the kid who wanted to wear a Hooters mask to the fifth grade. Obviously, he's not the villain in that story. But I felt he deserved a shout-out.

We'll start with this guy, who is masking up all wrong. He's outdoors in the middle of nowhere. He's yelling at maskless hikers who are hiking in the middle of nowhere. Also, he's not wearing a mask himself. Bonus douche points for trying to share the virus he claims to allegedly have.

Legs here is a more recent one. What I like here isn't so much him being a batsh!t crazy wackadoodle. But because it took place in December — nine months after fifteen days to flatten the curve — no one came to his aid. If anything, the other masked people were defending the maskless woman. It seems a lot of people are tired of guys like this.

We go back to the great outdoors, where a woman was expecting someone to be wearing a mask while eating a burrito. Words were yelled. Coffee was thrown. But the highlight is when the maskless burrito eater stood up and beat the crap out of the woman's boyfriend. Who then called the cops.

FLASHBACK: Violent Antifa Thug Assaults Crowder! | Crowder Confronts 2018

from Steven Crowder Says

Sorry, Democrats. Tulsi Gabbard Says Elderly Should Get COVID Vaccine First - Facebook Safe

Sorry, Democrats. Tulsi Gabbard Says Elderly Should Get COVID Vaccine First - Facebook Safe
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 09:09AM

Now that we have vaccines for the coronavirus, there is a debate about who gets to go first. The CDC has its guidelines. Some have a broad definition of what essential worker means. There are also governors like Andrew Cuomo. People might say he has a questionable sense of priorities. I have many more opinions on the matter. Please note the words "Facebook Safe" in this title. There could very well be another version of this post somewhere on this site. Sadly, we still need to parley with the Facebook censors for the time being. That sentence might be another clue.

For now, let's focus on these direct comments from Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Unlike some of her colleagues, Gabbard said she is going to wait her turn for the vaccine. She also has what some may call a crazy idea that our most vulnerable should go first.

Because the vaccines have not been scientifically established to prevent transmission of the virus, vaccinating large numbers of young people before our seniors will likely hasten the spread of the disease. The only way to prevent this disaster is by vaccinating frontline healthcare workers/first responders and those over 65, before vaccinating over younger, healthy workers; and by clearly informing every individual that getting the vaccine will not keep them from being able to infect others.

"Clearly informing" is the sticky wicket here. The belief over most of 2020 was that the vaccine would be a miracle cure. Some of that I feel can be blamed on the people building it up as such. Some of it can also be wishful thinking on the behalf of people who want their lives back. Most of you reading this probably find that understandable. If you're not in that group yourself. 2020 has sucked eight ways from Sunday. We all want to get back to normal.

That's not how vaccines work. Don't quote me on this because I'm not a scientist. But I'm of the impression they don't cure you as much as they make it easier for your body to fight off viruses. That's why people like Tulsi Gabbard feel our elderly should be among the first to go. If only there were sciencey people who could explain things to the American people better.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Marco Rubio Backs the Truck Over Anthony Fauci for Lying to the American People

Marco Rubio Backs the Truck Over Anthony Fauci for Lying to the American People
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 09:06AM

I never had a beef with Anthony Fauci as much as some of my colleagues did. Though the dislike and distrust have been growing on me. Like a fungus. A fungus Anthony Fauci would most likely want to shut down the country for. It was sometime between "just shut up and do what you're told" and "sure I lied, and there's nothing you can do about it." Sen. Marco Rubio was late to the game like I was.

He called out Fauci with a tweet that was of course misreported and/or lied about in the media. The senator doubled down in an opinion piece on Fox News. Some choice nuggets:

The American people deserve the truth; they also deserve accountability.

The point here is not to stop trusting public health guidelines ... but it does mean that placing blind faith in unelected celebrity scientists — elevated by a media that award Emmys to negligent politicians with their own grisly records — has its limits, and we must not be afraid to call them out when they're caught overstepping their legitimate authority.

Pope Fauci the Second caused a lot of damage to the pandemic response, more than media let on: contradictory messages, lockdowns and regulations on the commoners as elites went on with their lives, and the constant moving of goalposts. Telling local restaurants they have to shut down, but the Nathan's in Walmart was a safe dining space. What the experts did after the initial fifteen days to flatten the curve caused more people to ask questions.

I do not question Dr. Fauci's motives ...

I do.

... but I am appalled by his arrogance. If he wants to lead the nation, he should run for office. Otherwise, he should give us an honest and transparent reading of the science, not polling data.

Something tells me if Anthony Fauci ever actually ran for office, people will see he's not as smart as people think. Also, "just do what you're told" isn't a winning message on the campaign trail.

My biggest fear is that the president-elect (?) has made it clear he's going to do what Fauci tells him. As well as any other unelected bureaucrat. Liberals seem to gravitate towards them. It's almost as if they feel if voters hear what they really think, the voters wouldn't vote for them. More people besides just Rubio and Rand Paul need to speak out now and in the next few years.

from Steven Crowder Says

Top 5 Mask Nazis of 2020

Top 5 Mask Nazis of 2020
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 08:00AM

2020 introduced us to many new phrases. Curbside pickup. Zoom Happy Hour. Peaceful protester. But a personal favorite of mine is the mask nazi. It's a niche genre. These are the masked bandits who wild out on people not being masked up in public places. I'm not calling them Hitler bad. Think more the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. Though I'm sure if some of the people could have you thrown into a camp, they would.

We've had many a laugh at the expense of mask nazis. I've narrowed it down to my five favorites. Honorable mention goes to the kid who wanted to wear a Hooters mask to the fifth grade. Obviously, he's not the villain in the story. The mask nazis would be the people wanting to stifle his freedom of expression. But I felt he deserved a shout-out.

We'll start with this guy, who is mask nazi'ing all wrong. He's outdoors in the middle of nowhere. He's yelling at maskless hikers who are hiking in the middle of nowhere. Also, he's not wearing a mask himself. Bonus douche points for trying to give others COVID.

Legs here is a more recent one. What I like here isn't so much him being a batsh!t crazy wackadoodle. But because it took place in December — nine months after fifteen days to flatten the curve — no one came to his aid. If anything, the other masked people were defending the maskless woman. Because we're all tired of people like this.

We go back to the great outdoors, where a mask nazi was expecting someone to be wearing a mask while eating a burrito. Words were yelled. Coffee was thrown. But the highlight is when the maskless burrito eater stood up and beat the crap out of the mask nazi's boyfriend. Who then called the cops like a little b*tch.

FLASHBACK: Violent Antifa Thug Assaults Crowder! | Crowder Confronts 2018

from Steven Crowder Says

Tulsi Gabbard Has Crazy Idea: Give COVID Vaccine to the Elderly First

Tulsi Gabbard Has Crazy Idea: Give COVID Vaccine to the Elderly First
Brodigan - December 30, 2020 at 07:36AM

From the beginning, you heard leaving the house would literally kill Grandma. Usually by people who don't understand the definition of "literally." The same people who would also call COVID the "Boomer Doomer." That was okay. Yet you going out for a walk without a mask was akin to you having blood on your hands.

It's why our elderly had to be locked away all alone in nursing homes. Which in New York and Michigan turned into killing fields. Now that we have vaccines, you would think the elderly, the most vulnerable among us, would go first. That's not the case. Many of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's colleagues have blinded us. Their virtue signals shine brightly as a needle sticks out of their arm. Gabbard thinks that's wrong.

Because the vaccines have not been scientifically established to prevent transmission of the virus, vaccinating large numbers of young people before our seniors will likely hasten the spread of the disease. The only way to prevent this disaster is by vaccinating frontline healthcare workers/first responders and those over 65, before vaccinating over younger, healthy workers; and by clearly informing every individual that getting the vaccine will not keep them from being able to infect others.

Let's address the elephant in the room. Or in this case, the donkey. I know I've been stanning her hardcore lately, but I recognize Tulsi is still a Democrat. It's only a matter of time before I hate her for disagreeing with me on something. But for now, she has spit out an above-average amount of common sense. And common sense is kinda hot.

Clearly informing people about the vaccine would be key. And also a pipe dream, because when has anything corona-related been clearly informed? It's easier for leftists to get their vaccine to show how hard they believe in science. Not so much understanding the actual science. It makes for better Instagram content that way. That they haven't seen their MeMaw since March? Meh.

from Steven Crowder Says

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Police Reportedly Arrest Disabled Vet Who Refused to Wear a Mask

Police Reportedly Arrest Disabled Vet Who Refused to Wear a Mask
Courtney Kirchoff - December 29, 2020 at 03:52PM

Meanwhile in San Antonio, Texas, police have reportedly arrested an alleged disabled veteran who refused to comply with a mask mandate inside a mall. As a reminder, San Antonio is an American city. Watch the footage below and tell me it doesn't tick you right off.

According to The Washington Examiner:

The San Antonio Police Department told the Washington Examiner that the man, identified as Eric Matthew Braden, was arrested and charged with criminal trespass-private property after protesting in the mall and not wearing a mask.
"Officers responded to North Star Mall for an unplanned but organized protest event. Mall security and an off duty officer were confronted by a group of protesters who refused to wear face mask, were given a criminal trespass warning, and told to leave the property. Security and the off duty officer had to take one male into custody who was attempting to escalate the situation, but the remaining participants left without further incident. The male was arrested for criminal trespass private property and was transported to University Hospital by EMS with complaints of a pre-existing back injury. All notifications were made aware of the incident," police said.

I'll need to be super clear here, since the video is only showing the arrest. We do not yet have footage of what led to the arrest. According to the Examiner's report from police, mall security and an off duty officer were confronted first. I'm not sure how they were confronted. I'm not sure if tense words were exchanged, or fists were thrown. What I will say is, during the Black Lives Matter protests (mostly peaceful, according to media), plenty of mostly peaceful protesters confronted police or were violent against civilians. Those protesters didn't always face the legal music. But don't take my word for it:

Yet in a mall for an unplanned but organized protest against mask mandates, several officers took down a man without a mask.

I'd like to note the "Defund the police!" movement gained momentum post George Floyd. There wasn't much calling for defunding the police when police were acting tyrannical in carrying out their orders for COVID lockdowns. Take, for example, the Wisconsin authorities who scolded a mom for allowing a play date, or the police officers who tased a woman watching her son at a football game. Also the police officers going after a restaurant owner for blockading a health department official's car... they still have their jobs and, as far as I know, no one has called for defunding them.

Think about it.

from Steven Crowder Says

Alyssa Milano Tries Comparing Masks to AR-15s and It's All Sorts of Stupid

Alyssa Milano Tries Comparing Masks to AR-15s and It's All Sorts of Stupid
Brodigan - December 29, 2020 at 11:55AM

2020 is the year Alyssa Milano lost her mind. Flipped her gourd. The lights are on but there's no one home watching the Charmed reboot. Whether you're happy or sad about this depends upon if you grew up with Samantha Micelli. Or whatever her character's name was in Embrace of the Vampire. For the former actress turned slacktivist, being locked down in her house was too much. Some of us coped by making banana bread and TikTok videos. She ranted on Twitter and called the cops over a squirrel.

Today's brain nugget combines the best of both worlds: New-school talking points with old-school anti-gun zealotry.

Here's what the CDC has to say about masks. I'll get to that part of the tweet in a moment. But first, have celebrities not heard of any other gun? They make a whole bunch of them. There are others to choose from besides the AR-15. I guess we should be glad she didn't call it a fully semi-automatic AR-15. You know, for maximum fear.

But as for whether a mask will protect you more than a [place gun here], they're designed for two different uses. Masks protect you from germs, guns protect you from bad guys. Guns protect you if you are at a store and another customer pulls a gun. Masks protect you if you are at a store and don't wanna deal with crazy people screaming WEAR A MASK. Masks are believed to be 100% scientifically proven to protect you from catching the coronavirus, no questions asked. Guns help protect you and your loved ones. Questions are regularly asked, but usually by people who know nothing about guns. Both masks and guns protect us in their own unique ways and should be celebrated accordingly.

Personally, I think this was a very lazy tweet from Milano. She could have found a way to work Russian collusion and how much she stans Anthony Fauci into it. There's room to squeeze in an extra talking point or two.

from Steven Crowder Says

New York Democrat BUSTED Playing Hockey After Banning Kids from Playing Hockey

New York Democrat BUSTED Playing Hockey After Banning Kids from Playing Hockey
Brodigan - December 29, 2020 at 08:32AM

Most people, I feel, can agree that the lockdowns aren't as bad as feeling they only apply to some of us. The some of us who aren't celebrities or media personalities. Then there are elected officials who like to mandate regulations they don't follow themselves. Welcome to Erie County, New York, home of many a splintered table after the Buffalo Bills clinched their division. County Executive Mark Poloncarz shut down hockey rinks for the general public. You know, because of everyone's favorite virus and all that. Here's the thing, the rinks apparently are NOT shut down for the county executive and/or his friends. At least, this is according to a whistleblower to the comptroller's office.

Poloncarz is a Democrat and Stefan Mychajliw is a Republican. I'll let the reader decide how much politics if any you feel is going on here. The county executive has also denied the accusations, kinda. Though this isn't the first time Poloncarz has been accused of "regulations for thee but not for me." Also, his excuse (?) appears to lead to more questions. As well as more whistleblower leakage.

Mark Poloncarz is hardly the first Democrat accused of ignoring regulations he mandates on everyone else. He's not even the first Democrat allegedly caught on tape. But you hear a lot in the media about "COVID fatigue." It's usually paired with guilting common folk for wanting their lives back. This is just one blogger's opinion. Maybe have fewer criticisms of people struggling to abide by rules. More criticism of the elected officials who feel the rules they demand for everyone else don't apply to them. Just a thought. Wear a mask and socially distance.

from Steven Crowder Says

Kristi Noem Blasts Leftists' 'Unprecedented Attacks on our Freedoms,' Counters with Message of Hope

Kristi Noem Blasts Leftists' 'Unprecedented Attacks on our Freedoms,' Counters with Message of Hope
Brodigan - December 29, 2020 at 07:59AM

2020 has sucked for many reasons. You've seen all the memes about it. One highlight has been America's introduction to Kristi Noem, South Dakota's pro-freedom, pro-gun smokeshow of a governor. Other governors shut down their states for a variety of virus-related reasons. Some might say unnecessarily. Noem didn't. She found herself with a national platform as the media said, "Hey, this one isn't following along with the script." Also, her brother doesn't work for CNN.

Noem addressed some of her haters at SAS 2020.

CRAZIEST Moments with Crowder's Field Correspondent! | Louder With Crowder

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from Steven Crowder Says

Monday, December 28, 2020

Fed Up Restaurant Owner BLOCKS Health Inspector's Car, Delivers Awesome Rant

Fed Up Restaurant Owner BLOCKS Health Inspector's Car, Delivers Awesome Rant
Courtney Kirchoff - December 28, 2020 at 01:39PM

Yet again, below is a perfect example of what should happen in America. If I'm being obnoxious about it, it should've happened 16 days into 15 days to flatten the curve. Ah hell. It should've happened on day one. Oh well, here we are, and Americans are finally speaking out. I guess I underestimated the patience of the American people having their rights, income, and lives completely upended by their government. In the video below, a fed up restaurant owner blocked the car of a health department minion and explained to the several officers who responded to him why he had to do what he did.

This video is from Rumble, by the way. A hopeful alternative to YouTube.

from Steven Crowder Says

It's On! NY Democrat Boss WARNS AOC Against Challenging Chuck Schumer

It's On! NY Democrat Boss WARNS AOC Against Challenging Chuck Schumer
Brodigan - December 28, 2020 at 01:34PM

I'm a simple man who doesn't ask for much. Make sure my beer is cold. Leave me alone when I watch wrestling on Wednesday nights. And please, for the love all that is holy, have Congresswoman AOC primary Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. That would be the greatest thing to happen to any of us on the right side of the blogosphere. Even better than all the Amy Coney Barrett meltdowns. I know Rep. AOC was so sad with the election results last month that she almost quit. Challenging Chuckles would be a much better use of her time.

I'm guessing there are rumblings that she might consider it. Because the establishment is out in full force to shut it down. Here's NY Democrat chairman Jay Jacobs crushing the hopes and dreams of a young girl from the Boogie Down.

I think it would be a primary driven by ambition more than by need.

How dare a cis white male like Jay Jacobs claim a womyn is being too ambitious! Complete and unbridled sarcasm. Also, that didn't stop AOC from primarying Joe Crowley.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would "absolutely" lose a challenge if she went head-to-head against the veteran Democratic lawmaker, said Jacobs — who noted he's yet to meet the Queens rep.
"We've never met. I would look forward to doing that," he said. "I am open to that at any time."

Dude, you live on Long Island. She lives in either Queens or the Bronx. At least in theory. How hard is it to meet in the city with your party's national leader for a cappuccino or something?

What I find funniest about this, other than the idea that AOC would ever step foot in upstate New York, is how much the two political parties are exactly the same. The Democrat establishment is every bit as clueless as the Republican establishment. If you don't want a rabble-rouser to challenge the establishment, the absolute WORST thing to do is tell them not to challenge the establishment. Waityourturnism (I just made that word up) is why the parties have rabble-rousers rousing rabble in the first place.

Maybe AOC never actually had plans to challenge Schumer. But now, she almost has to. Just because f*** the establishment who say otherwise. Also, the way miserable failure Schumer threw away a $1.8 trilllion aid package for a $900 billion aid package. If I were a Democrat socialist, I would be pissed about that.

But I'm not. So I'm just going to start popping all the popcorn.

from Steven Crowder Says

Maskless Woman Confronted by Mask Nazis Declares She's DONE with COVID Restrictions

Maskless Woman Confronted by Mask Nazis Declares She's DONE with COVID Restrictions
Courtney Kirchoff - December 28, 2020 at 10:33AM

After several days of giving as few craps as possible to the news, I stumbled over on Twitter where a number of people had retweeted a video of a maskless woman taking a stand against COVID restrictions. It looks like she's in a Target or some facsimile thereof. and was confronted for being without mask and how dare she put countless lives at risk. But my gal pal here didn't back down. Take a look.

She's absolutely right about everything. Facebook would say that's misinformation but Facebook can go suck on a dead tree.

Healthy people shouldn't be treated like carriers of the plague. Also, COVID-19 isn't the plague. I've called it a cough since at least March and I stand by my statement. If you're whining about COVID-19 killing people, go look up how many people die from seasonal flu every year then kindly shut your pie hole.

What's happening in America has less to do with a disease and more to do with control. What we're seeing now is divide and conquer, and never in my lifetime have people made this division so simple. The sane and the insane are freely branding themselves. For me, the "sane" are people like the lady above. Who I've just annexed into my fantasy tribe, by the way. The insane are those who happily wear a mask thinking they're actually doing something other than possibly putting themselves at greater risk for more health problems due to inhaling too much of their own exhaled air. They then go around shaming people and calling Five-Oh on anyone who isn't drowning themselves in the same Kool-aid.

If you're out there wondering "but what can I do" then may I suggest you follow this lady's lead. Stop asking the government to end the lockdowns. People can end the lockdowns by no longer complying with the lockdowns. Power in numbers, people. Be brave, stand up for your rights and way of life. Stop following these draconian measures.

from Steven Crowder Says

Harvard Calls Women 'Birthing People,' Ted Cruz's Two-Word Response Is Perfect

Harvard Calls Women 'Birthing People,' Ted Cruz's Two-Word Response Is Perfect
Brodigan - December 28, 2020 at 08:45AM

It's times like these when Ted Cruz might wish he had gone to Yale instead. Though, maybe not. They don't make the Ivy League quite like they used to. At Harvard, one department held a panel on something called "Maternal Justice." That's a thing the left likes to do nowadays. They take a word and put "justice" after it to try to create a new thing, usually so they have an excuse to claim anyone who thinks they're silly is racist. The tweet announcing this panel is an impressive collection of virtual-signaling woke buzzwords.

Wait ... "birthing people?" Do you mean women? It sounds like they are talking about women. Women are the ones who experience pregnancy and childbirth. Or at least they used to be. There is a "debate" in this country as to who can have babies. One side thinks men can have babies if it's actually a woman who identifies as a man. As a result, they create new and exciting ways to redefine women in non-gender-exclusive ways. The other side finds that insulting to actual women, including feminists like J.K. Rowling. Also, feminists like Ted Cruz, who used the left's favorite catchphrase against them.

To be fair, whoever runs the Twitter account in question didn't mean to "erase or dehumanize women" with language many women might feel erases and dehumanizes them.

Being woke looks exhausting. Though it is enjoyable to mock.

But yes, liberals are the party of "science." Worship at the altar of "science." Believe in "science," unlike conservative Neanderthals like Ted Cruz. It is this scientific zealotry that guides leftists into believing organisms who give birth to other organisms should no longer be called women. Because it might offend men who can't give birth. Or, women who no longer want to be called women. Thank God the people who believe this much in science are the ones working on our pandemic response.

from Steven Crowder Says

Fauci Admits Lying to the American People, Then Claims He Was Guessing

Fauci Admits Lying to the American People, Then Claims He Was Guessing
Brodigan - December 28, 2020 at 07:48AM

I hope most of you had a merry little Christmas. Hopefully saying nuts to the government and celebrating with eleven people or more in the same dwelling. As you were preparing for Santa Claus, there is a good chance you missed this story, where Dr. Anthony Fauci admits he's been lying to people until he felt we were ready for the truth: a decision that is guided not by science, but by public opinion polls.

Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks ... he had hesitated to publicly raise his estimate because many Americans seemed hesitant about vaccines. Now that some polls are showing that many more Americans are ready, even eager, for vaccines, he said he felt he could deliver the tough message that the return to normal might take longer than anticipated.

So, it's not just the media moving the goalposts. CNN challenged the sciencey expert on why he wasn't straight with the American people from the beginning. Turns out he didn't lie ... he was only guessing. Because science!

The good news is Fauci agrees with our president-elect's uplifting message that our darkest days are still ahead of us.

Here's the funny thing about liars when you find out they're liars. The next question tends to be, "What else have you been lying to me about?" We've already been getting nothing but conflicting messages for the last nine months. Starting two weeks before those nine months when we were told "fifteen days to flatten the curve." Outdoor restaurants are bad while indoor retail chains are good. Don't wear a mask, but actually wearing a mask is your patriotic duty. It's safe for kids to go to school unless the teachers' unions say keep the school closed. You can't go to work or making a living because "we're all in this together." That's according to people who haven't missed a paycheck because we're not all in this together.

Just hold out for a vaccine. Now that we have a vaccine, keeping holding out. Just because ... reasons!

This is all why people need to get back to living their lives. Take the reasonable precautions that YOU feel you need to take. Let everyone else make the decisions that are right for them. Because it's increasingly clear the people who have been making decisions for us aren't being straight with us. Nor do many of them have our best interests in mind.

from Steven Crowder Says