Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Two Fat Masked Nazis Lash Out at Maskless People For...Putting Their ‘Health’ at Risk?

Two Fat Masked Nazis Lash Out at Maskless People For...Putting Their ‘Health’ at Risk?
Brodigan - August 04, 2020 at 12:00PM

Let's start off with an admission: I could stand to lose a few pounds myself. I haven't put on a "quarantine 15," but I was carrying around a "loves beer and bbq too much 25" before the pandemic started. Plus my gym is still closed because my governor is a tyrant (see LOCAL GYM OWNERS SUE ANDREW CUOMO FOR TYRANNICAL SHUTDOWN ORDERS and WHILE ANDREW CUOMO BANS GYMS FROM OPENING IN NY, CRISTINA CUOMO DOES YOGA AT AN EXPENSIVE HAMPTONS SHOE STORE), but that's neither here nor there. I just wanted to acknowledge my own flaws before pointing out these two fatties going all "masked nazi up in the mutha" in what looks like a Walmart.

Also, they accused the people not wearing masks of "abusing their freedom." That line made my head explode.

Crazy people wearing masks yelling at other people for not wearing masks is insane enough. Like, turn off CNN and dial back the panic porn a little bit. But a group of people that have shown to be mostly affected by the 'rona, besides the elderly, are the overweight. To scream that other people's decisions are affecting your health when you don't look like you make the best personal health decisions yourself is laughable. Unless you have a shopping cart full of salad and granola bars off camera, leave the maskless people alone.

Let the people not wearing masks "abuse their freedom" in peace.

from Steven Crowder Says