Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Black Lives Matter Assaults a Wisconsin Business Owner After Setting His Business on Fire

Black Lives Matter Assaults a Wisconsin Business Owner After Setting His Business on Fire
Brodigan - August 25, 2020 at 12:12PM

There has been success lately capturing leftists who have been assaulting normies. LAW & ORDER FTW (see THE BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTER WHO ASSAULTED THE DRIVER IN PORTLAND? THEY GOT HIM! and THEY ARRESTED THE TWO BIDEN SUPPORTERS WHO ATTACKED THE 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER), amirite? Let's see if we can go three for three.

A Wisconsin man was assaulted during the Black Lives Matter riots in Kenosha, while he was trying to put out a fire that the peaceful protester set to his business. This comes from a longer video. There could be context I'm missing, but no one cared about context when they started rioting and I'm not the one who makes the rules.

I mean, I understand wanting to fight back. But for the sake of your own safety, stay home. A lot of these businesses are in fact ensured, and it's not fair for people to have to rebuild just because of a bunch of dickhead Biden supporters rioting. It's impossible for you to rebuild if you're seriously injured or worse. Now let's make sure the people who did this are held accountable.

from Steven Crowder Says