Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Steven Crowder asks BLM protester what more will it take to declare 'peaceful protests' what they are — RIOTS?

Steven Crowder asks BLM protester what more will it take to declare 'peaceful protests' what they are — RIOTS?
Tarah Price - August 12, 2020 at 11:27AM

Steven Crowder asked a Black Lives Matter protester to explain what more is required to declare #BLM protests what they are — RIOTS? Because, according to one BLM protester, $600 million in property damage, dozens of deaths, 14,000 arrests, and 900-police officer casualties fail to meet the criteria of a riot. In the latest installment of "Change My Mind," Crowder hit the streets of Austin, Texas, to give BLM protesters an opportunity to Change his Mind: "Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization."

from Steven Crowder Says