Monday, August 24, 2020

77 NFL Players Were Told They Had the Coronavirus. Turns Out That Was Wrong ...

77 NFL Players Were Told They Had the Coronavirus. Turns Out That Was Wrong ...
Brodigan - August 24, 2020 at 12:34PM

This isn't the first story we've heard about someone messing up COVID data. Far from it (see SOME FLORIDA COVID TESTING IS OFF BY ONLY ... 89% and A NASHVILLE MAN WAS TOLD HE TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID. PROBLEM: HE NEVER TOOK A TEST FOR COVID ...). This is just the first story that could cross over into the mainstream, because it involves football and football is important. 77 tests of NFL players and staff came back positive, which could be described in the press as an outbreak, to the dismay of bros and degenerate gamblers still hoping for a full season this year. Side note: two groups I proudly consider myself a part of.

Everyone can exhale. No need to cancel your fantasy draft. Turns out the lab f*cked up and all the tests were actually negative.

Our investigation indicated that these were most likely false positive results, caused by isolated contamination during test preparation in the New Jersey laboratory.

Reagents, analyzers and staff were all ruled out as possible causes and subsequent testing has indicated that the issue has been resolved. All individuals impacted have been confirmed negative and informed.

We're supposed to trust the experts. Scratch that. We're told that we should trust the experts. Actually, scratch that too.

It is DEMANDED that we trust the experts. Is it too much to ask that the people working in laboratories — which, laboratory + science = experts, you would think — do something as simple as double-check their work? If I don't double-check my work, I at least get a sternly worded text message from my editor. But my mistakes don't affect WHAT IS BEING REPORTED ON A F*CKING PANDEMIC.

Add this to the growing list of "isolated incidents" of the 'rona data being wrong, that we're told is very isolated and much incidental. I don't know how many more incidents have to be isolated before we get to question all the data, but I'll keep you posted.

from Steven Crowder Says