Friday, August 14, 2020

Black Lives Matter Say They're Coming for Your Homes Now. How About No?

Black Lives Matter Say They're Coming for Your Homes Now. How About No?
Brodigan - August 14, 2020 at 09:24AM

We're past pointing out that George Floyd's family deserves justice. At this point, we're past even separating the sentiment behind black lives mattering from Black Lives Matter the Marxist Political Organization. Especially in Seattle, where they made it clear that not all black lives matter (see WHAT THE RESIGNATION OF THE SEATTLE POLICE CHIEF TELLS US ABOUT LIBERAL ACTIVISM and PROTESTERS SHOWED UP AT THE SEATTLE POLICE CHIEF'S HOUSE. BUT HER NEIGHBORS HAD GUNS...). Only the ones who °checks notes° demand that white people give up their homes, because Black Lives Matter the Marxist Political Organization is coming for them anyway.

Yeah, hard pass on that.

This is where the Democrat Party needs to be held accountable. I realize the media is biased and rain is wet, but it goes back to the tea party. If in a crowd of ten thousand, one person said something mean about Obama, the entire Republican party needed to answer for it. Every elected officials was expected to denounce random dude.

Now there are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris-supporting angry mobs outside of people's homes, demanding that they give those homes up, and if not, THE ANGRY BIDEN/HARRIS-SUPPORTING MOB IS GOING TO TAKE THEM ANYWAY. Do Biden and Harris support people being dragged from their homes? I'd like a reporter to find out. Considering the media doesn't even have the balls to ask Biden to clarify his mask policy, we're going to be waiting a long time.

from Steven Crowder Says