Tuesday, August 18, 2020

New Trump Ad Attacks Biden's Obvious Mental Decline

New Trump Ad Attacks Biden's Obvious Mental Decline
Brodigan - August 18, 2020 at 07:10AM

Much has been made about Joe Biden's obvious mental decline from when he was vice president. The man should be sitting in a rocking chair in Delaware somewhere enjoying his afternoon tapioca, occasionally having someone wipe the drool off his chin. While his aides do rock-paper-scissors to decide who has to deal with him asking Kamala Harris how Barack and the kids are again. It's fun to make jokes. Also, hella easy. Just because ... my dude is senileAF and Democrats nominated him knowing that. But when you see it side by side, it's brutal.

Trump has dropped some rough ads before (see DONALD TRUMP JUST DROPPED ATTACK AD AGAINST KAMALA HARRIS and THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN DROPPED A NEW BIDEN AD. IT'LL MAKE BIDEN CRY.). As you watch this, keep in mind that Biden hasn't even officially accepted the nomination yet. Trump 2020 has been holding back all this time.

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